Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eagerly awaiting his return

Jared comes back from his family vacation to the Galapagos today. He's been gone for ten days, and we haven't been able to talk to each other since he's been out of the country. I eagerly await him calling me when he finally gets in; I'm missing him like crazy and I can't count the number of times over the last week and a half I've gone to dial his number and remembered he can't take calls. Never quite realize just how often I call him or want to call him in the course of a normal day until he's unreachable and I have to stop myself short. He returns to Chicago today, and then on the 18th he'll be getting back to Boston. Fortunately I have that day off for Martin Luther King Day, so I'm pleased that we'll be able to spend all of his first day back together. Tomorrow is actually our anniversary, which sadly we will be apart for, but that's all right, we've agreed to celebrate it a few days late.


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