Friday, January 29, 2010

Considering tailoring

So I probably won't do this anytime soon due to financial constraints, but in assessing my wardrobe it occurs to me that I would like to at some point locate and take advantage of the services of a tailor. I've been wearing my lovely new camel-colored wool coat quite a bit lately, and I love how chic and polished it makes me look. The only problem with it is the belt. On a size two coat, the belt is longer than I am tall. I have to wrap it twice around myself to make it fit, and the belt holes are so far behind that I can't really buckle it properly. I have no idea why anyone would make a coat with a belt like this. Heh, maybe it was a design flaw and that's why it was marked down fifty percent. But I would love to have it shortened so that the damn thing is a little easier to pull on and off.

That got me thinking about another item I have that could benefit from tailoring. Recently I inherited a beautiful rust-red suede blazer from my mother, a very stylish, classic piece that I would love to be able to wear. The gorgeous material alone makes me love it. Unfortunately it is a medium, and cut for a taller woman than your somewhat diminuitive friend Phoebe. It just looks kind of silly if I try to wear it as is. But if I found a good tailor that brought it in a bit, it would look absolutely fantastic on me and I would wear it all the time.

I've never had anything tailored before; it always seemed unneccessarily expensive or not worth having the item at all, but these things are nice enough that I think it would be worth it. I should go visit a good tailor and at least get an estimate. I remember Jared had a good experience getting his leather slacks hemmed by that little shop off of Moody Street just behind Asian Grill. I'm sure these services are priced on a piece-by-piece basis, but does anyone know from experience how much it might cost to have the belt shortened on a wool blend coat, or a suede jacket taken in?


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