Friday, January 29, 2010

Caesar cast, now begins the scheduling dance

Julius Caesar cast list is now out. But for one pair of actors I had swapped, I completely concurred with Lenny and Jenna's final decision, and even if that one pair didn't go where I would have put them, it is a fine casting. I am eeeeever so slightly annoyed, however, that they elected to put their read-through smack dab after my Sunday rehearsal. I understand that they want to get going as quick as they can, but they'd given me the impression that they would be holding it Monday. I specifically did not schedule my weekday full-cast rehearsal for Monday just so they could have complete access to the actors we share, even though I would have preferred Monday to Thursday, which then seemed like the only time I could get everyone. And they asked if I could let the shared actors go a bit early so they could arrive to the read through on time. I'm not delighted with that, as I wanted to make sure we finished learning the blocking by the end of that night, and I don't appreciate the cutoff time. *Sigh* Ah, well, it'll be fine. We'll just have to make sure we're efficient, and in the future I will know I can choose Monday rather than Thursday.

I knew scheduling between the two of our shows was going to be bothersome when we began. As things go, this isn't too bad. We'll make it work. It's very important, I think, to everyone involved that both shows be the best they can be.


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