Friday, January 29, 2010

No more cardigans

From the people who brought you the hate-on for Uggs, here's another rant on a bad fashion.

I hate cardigans. Nobody should wear cardigans.

Men mostly don't wear cardigans, but the ones that do are unbearable. I know old man sweaters are what all the hipsters are wearing these days, but they look so, so stupid. Because make no mistake, they look so dated on guys that even actual old men don't wear them anymore. Only hipsters who end up looking like dicks.

Women are the real guilty ones, though. On women, cardigans are dowdy and aging. I know people say they make you appear polished if you wear them in a twinset, or dressy for dressy occasions, or more appropriate in button-down situations like church or an interview or dinner with the new SO's parents. But all they really accomplish is to make you look boring and prudish. The statement they make is either, "I am a modest older woman who thinks they make me look neat and presentable when in fact they signal I have given up any idea that I am still attractive," or "I am a shy girl who is uncomfortable with myself, and probably dressed by my mom with the intention of keeping me a Good Girl." Even if you see a really attractive woman in a cardigan, it'you never think the cardigan does anything to make her look good, she's still pretty in spite of it. They only encourage you to look dull, dated, and unsexy. I don't care if they're modest or work-appropriate or even warm. There are so very many more attractive options that do all of those things. Hell, there are so very many more sweaters that are more flattering and just as warm and polished.

Please, people. Boys, you'll look like a hipster with no taste. Girls, you will become frumpy and old before your time. Do yourselves a favor. Don't wear cardigans.

Considering tailoring

So I probably won't do this anytime soon due to financial constraints, but in assessing my wardrobe it occurs to me that I would like to at some point locate and take advantage of the services of a tailor. I've been wearing my lovely new camel-colored wool coat quite a bit lately, and I love how chic and polished it makes me look. The only problem with it is the belt. On a size two coat, the belt is longer than I am tall. I have to wrap it twice around myself to make it fit, and the belt holes are so far behind that I can't really buckle it properly. I have no idea why anyone would make a coat with a belt like this. Heh, maybe it was a design flaw and that's why it was marked down fifty percent. But I would love to have it shortened so that the damn thing is a little easier to pull on and off.

That got me thinking about another item I have that could benefit from tailoring. Recently I inherited a beautiful rust-red suede blazer from my mother, a very stylish, classic piece that I would love to be able to wear. The gorgeous material alone makes me love it. Unfortunately it is a medium, and cut for a taller woman than your somewhat diminuitive friend Phoebe. It just looks kind of silly if I try to wear it as is. But if I found a good tailor that brought it in a bit, it would look absolutely fantastic on me and I would wear it all the time.

I've never had anything tailored before; it always seemed unneccessarily expensive or not worth having the item at all, but these things are nice enough that I think it would be worth it. I should go visit a good tailor and at least get an estimate. I remember Jared had a good experience getting his leather slacks hemmed by that little shop off of Moody Street just behind Asian Grill. I'm sure these services are priced on a piece-by-piece basis, but does anyone know from experience how much it might cost to have the belt shortened on a wool blend coat, or a suede jacket taken in?

Caesar cast, now begins the scheduling dance

Julius Caesar cast list is now out. But for one pair of actors I had swapped, I completely concurred with Lenny and Jenna's final decision, and even if that one pair didn't go where I would have put them, it is a fine casting. I am eeeeever so slightly annoyed, however, that they elected to put their read-through smack dab after my Sunday rehearsal. I understand that they want to get going as quick as they can, but they'd given me the impression that they would be holding it Monday. I specifically did not schedule my weekday full-cast rehearsal for Monday just so they could have complete access to the actors we share, even though I would have preferred Monday to Thursday, which then seemed like the only time I could get everyone. And they asked if I could let the shared actors go a bit early so they could arrive to the read through on time. I'm not delighted with that, as I wanted to make sure we finished learning the blocking by the end of that night, and I don't appreciate the cutoff time. *Sigh* Ah, well, it'll be fine. We'll just have to make sure we're efficient, and in the future I will know I can choose Monday rather than Thursday.

I knew scheduling between the two of our shows was going to be bothersome when we began. As things go, this isn't too bad. We'll make it work. It's very important, I think, to everyone involved that both shows be the best they can be.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tired of this

Felt more than a little off all week. I'm getting pretty tired of it. I used to be the kind of person who could just tell myself "Just find some reason to feel better already," but I haven't been so good at that recently. And the worst part of it is that the those who have to bear the brunt of my anger and low moods are the people who love me most. I'm afraid I'm just becoming an emotional burden with no redeeming reasons to be around.

I suppose if that's not incentive to get the hell over it, nothing is. Going to try to buck myself up today. Might not be easy, as I can already see some things with pretty strong potential to get me down, but it's better than being a drag on all my loved ones.

I have reasons to feel good. I'm grateful that bronzite* invited me out to dinner tonight. I'm grateful that my play shows every promise of turning out well. I'm grateful that my skin has been so clear lately. I'm grateful I got into the games I wanted to for Intercon. I'm grateful that my campaign to dress better is succeeding to the point where others notice and compliment me on it. I'm grateful that I'm keeping up with all my work and responsibilities.

That's something. That's a lot of somethings, in fact. I'll try and start here.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Brain drippy today

Feeling rather... unfocused today. Having a hard time making myself get anything done at work, but since yesterday was pretty much a total wash for accomplishment, I really need to do better today.

For the last two nights I sat in on Julius Caesar auditions and gave Lenny and Jenna my opinion. A not-overlarge but solidly talented contingent came out for the show, I was pleased to see, and I made some suggestions as to possible placement in the cast. I don't feel the need to attend callbacks, though-- the final choice lies with Jenna and Lenny, and I've already given them my thoughts. Heh, with theater as with larping, I'm decently good at sizing someone up for a part fairly quickly. But I, like everyone else, shall be interested to see where things end up in the cast list.

I'm not sure what my plans will be for tonight. There is a Hold Thy Peace movie night happening, with for Dead Poet Society. I'm not a big fan, but I'd be willing to go if Jared wants me to come with him in. Otherwise I may just want to stay in. I need to continue working on my next character sheet due at the Labor Wars meeting next Tuesday. Also could do some more blocking. I also wouldn't mind just chilling tonight. Maybe de-stressing would take away some of my focus problems.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In another game!

What's this? Another message in my inbox from Intercon, saying that there's been another drop from a game I was waitlisted for, and now I've actually gotten in to Super Villain Academy? Yowza! I can't believe I actually got into that game too! I guess good things do come to those who wait. :-) That means I have a game in every slot but Sunday morning. A rather more packed schedule than I prefer, but I'm excited about everything I'm in, so it'll be good.

So, to reiterate, my schedule is as follows:

Friday night: Shadow Over Babylon, playing Veronica Miles
Saturday morning: Super Villain Academy, playing Nose Job
Saturday afternoon: Running Oz
Saturday night: The Last Seder, playing Andrea Skala
Sunday morning: Nothing, probably watching GM Space

Intercon keeps getting better and better for me.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Intercon castings!

I have received the first of my castings at Intercon! I now have my Last Seder character, and since I am told this is not a game about secrets and big reveals, I feel comfortable sharing my name for those who have already played. I am to be Andrea Skala, and I believe I shall enjoy it. Lovely friendy people who are also in this game, who might you have been cast as? I'd be very interested to know. I think I know what my costuming will be-- it's a dressy dinner for a religious gathering, so I think I will wear my black skirt, sheer black stockings, black heeled sandals, and my silky red button-up blouse. That's kind of my go-to outfit for nice evenings out, so it should work just fine.

I have also sent out all the Oz castings today. By and large this was a remarkably easy cast to pin down, but Jared and I are a bit anxious to see how one or two in particular pan out. There were also a couple of gender swaps that could prove interesting. Haven't heard back from any of the players, but I hope they read and are pleased. I know several of the Chicago larpers have signed up on the strength of our last game, so I really don't want to disappoint.

Rehearsal: success!

To my extreme pleasure and relief, rehearsal went very well last night. We blocked almost half the show, and I was incredibly proud of the hard work and enthusiasm of the actors. My favorite part was how we all worked so well together, me, Bernie, and the rest of the cast. It will be good for my development as a director, I think, if I cultivate a more cooperative relationship with my actors than just micromanaging everything they do. Last night we were all contributing to making this show work, and it was an incredible feeling.

Next week I'm hoping to finish blocking the show. We moved at a good enough pace last night that I think we can do that. Then we can spend from then until the show polishing the acting. I shall have to buckle down on the blocking this week in preparation for next Sunday. We about reached the point that I felt firm on, so now I have to finalized where we're going to go from there. But last night has encouraged and energized me. I feel really good about pressing forward with this.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

First rehearsal tonight

Tonight will be the first rehearsal for To Think of Nothing. I'm extremely excited and nervous. But all the actors seem very enthusiastic, and I know that whenever I see a play, like I did yesterday, it makes me want to do theater RIGHT NOW. So, in that spirit, let's do theater!

I want to spend today planning. I want to be ready to use the time I have tonight as effectively as I can. I want to have the actors learn as much of the blocking as possible today. Once they have that down, we can fine-tune the acting. And they should all pretty much have their lines already memorized, so we're already ahead of the curve.

Wish me luck, my lovelies. :-)

First part of my weekend report

Jared and I went out for our anniversary dinner Friday night. We dressed up handsomely and went to Solea, the fantastic tapas restaurant on Moody Street. It was one of the nicest evenings out I've had in a long time. And I made sure to wear my lovely new earrings. He did not wear his new shirt from Express that was my gift to him, because while it looks quite good on him, the collar is a bit too loose to wear with a tie, so he'd like to try a smaller size. Ah, well, I gave it a shot.

Yesterday we went to a very fun production of A Midsummer Night's Dream in the lovely company of Steph, Caitlin, and Plesser. The show had a strange urban jungle feel, which was interesting if not necessarily what I would pick, and Jared's Stage Combat teacher, actor-professor Robert Walsh, played a hilarious Bottom. We actually first encountered him at another Actor's Shakespeare Project show, when he played the title role in Titus Andronicus. Very talented actor; Jared and I enjoyed him very much. It's always fun to see another production of a show you were in with others who were in it with you. It was a really good time.

In the evening Jared and I then went to the birthday party in_water_writ* threw for 1takejohnny. It was a fun party, full of nice new people, but I'd promised I'd pick Bernie up at the airport that evening. Jared was having a good time, so he elected to stay and took the commuter rail home. I'm sorry I couldn't have stayed, but it was good to have Bernie back.

All in all, Friday and Saturday were excellent days, spent in the company of good friends and my dear love.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The hard truth

Stylish women don't wear Uggs.

I don't care if they're warm. I don't care if they're comfy. They are unattractive and unflattering. Most of them only come up high enough to hit the widest part of the calf. One should not attach anything to the end of one's leg that gives it the appearence of a tree stump.

Screw that fucking banner ad at the top of my LJ. Live it, learn it, love it.

Stylish women don't wear Uggs.

*victory dance*

I got into Shadow Over Babylon! I got into Shadow Over Babylon! Huzzah! I got into a cool game and now I have a game to play in on Friday night! Yay! I had pretty much despaired of my chances at this point. I think witticaster* was the one on the waitlist before me, so she probably got in too. So that makes at least two fun people, her and jh1230*, in that game with me. :-) Yay!

I wonder who dropped, and why. The schedule is so packed as it is, there isn't much chance of them getting into another game. Maybe they dropped the con entirely. Ah, well, their loss is my gain. I wonder if at this late point I'll get a casting questionnaire or if I will just be put into the role of the lost player. Either way, I'm just incredibly happy to have gotten into a Friday night slot. I would have been very disappointed if I had no game to be in the night I got there.

On another Intercon note, Jared and I cast Oz last night. A lot of players just leaped off the page for us to receive particular roles, so while not everyone was an easy place, it was one of the most straightforward casting sessions yet. We should be sending out costume hints today, with full character sheets to follow shortly after. We just wanted to sleep on things and recheck them in the morning. There's at least one interesting character gender switch, as most parts are technically neutral, that I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays. We're also lucky enough to have some really cool players signed up, it'll be so exciting to see what they do.

Suddenly my Intercon is looking way, way up. :-D

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cracked the tea brewing

Tried making another cup of my new tea yesterday. I checked my mug against a liquid measuring cup, it does hold sixteen instead of eight ounces. So I doubled the standard amount of tea, brewed it for five minutes, and mixed in two teaspoons of sugar. It came out deliciously this time; I am very pleased. Not quite as perfect as what I tried in the store, of course, but seeing as I only used (gasp!) a tea ball and didn't buy their German rock sugar, I am satisfied. I wish I'd thought to bring it to work with me today, but this morning was kind of hectic.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Anniversary earrings!

Got Jared safely back to Brandeis yesterday. He gave me my anniversary present, a beautiful pair of earrings consisting of two triangular drops of blue stone set in silver. I'm going to guess that they're lapis. He found them in Ecuador when he was visiting the Galapagos. I really love them, and I'm wearing them today. Expect to see them frequently in the near future. :-) I haven't had a chance to give him his present, I left it in my room and we haven't been back to my place yet, but I hope he enjoys it too.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Trip to Natick and the return of Jared

Escaped to the Natick Mall today to get out of an overcrowded house. Though I usually try not to actually spend any money while I'm there, I mostly just go to have a comfortable place to walk around and think, I got suckered into it this time around.

The first thing I went for was a sample size of a blend of White Ayurvedic Chai and Samurai Chai Mate at Teavana. I like tea in theory and would really like to be able to enjoy it, but most kinds taste so bitter or bland to me lately. I think it may be a combination of the fact that delicious, delicious Oregon Chai Latte Mix is so unbelievably delicious no other tea can ever live up to it, and the fact that I only really have had cheap bag teas. The only kinds I've liked lately have been the good stuff from nice shops like Teavana, which friends like Bernie have made for me from their stashes. So I bit the bullet and bought a little to try out. I tried this blend in the store; it was a sweet, spicy cinnamon flavor. Though the salesgirl tried to talk me into it, I did not buy the German rock sugar or the metal storage tins, but only this little sample, which I have put into a metal thermos I have. I just tried some. I think I brewed it wrong, my tea mugs I think are a lot bigger than the recommended eight ounces, so it came out a little weak. Still, even weak it's kind of nice. If I make it in the right amount of water, I'm sure it'll come out even better.

The second thing I bought was a gorgeous wool camel-colored coat at New York & Company that was fifty percent off. Normally I think of New York & Company as "downscale Express" but this coat is really well-made and beautiful. I probably shouldn't have, but I went for it. It'll go with everything, I know I'll wear it everywhere, and it's nice enough I'll probably have it forever. God knows I can't go out without a coat on unless it's the middle of summer, so it's nice to have a couple different coats so as not to wear any one in particular out. Accessorized with a scarf and complementary gloves, it will work beautifully with just about everything.

On another retail-related note, I hope Jared likes the anniversary present I got for him. Previous years' gifts were the rapier and the beautiful silver pocket watch, which were perfect and clever on my part and which he very much enjoyed. I couldn't come up with anything quite so unique this time, so I went with something he'll definitely use and benefit from but is a lot more mundane. I hope it goes over well. Jared gets back to Boston tonight, and I'm going to be picking him up. I can't wait to see him. Maybe I'll give him his present tonight.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Burn Notice success

Burn Notice went well last night, fitting all my criteria for a good session-- roleplaying, moving plot, all players engaged. We didn't get quite as far as I hoped we would, because we worked on both story threads at the same time, but I successfully ran one fight and think that next session I can also make the other work. Joe did a great job as Riker, capturing the spirit of the character perfectly, and the highlight of the evening was his character and Kindness's character pretending to be a trashy rich engaged couple from Texas bickering hilariously with each other. Kindness's Southern accent alone made the conversation. Not sure when we\ll play next-- we don't have a regular schedule for this --but I feel like we're in a good place to move on from here.

I really need to catch up on the episode guide. I've only gotten the first one written up, and we've had probably around four more discrete storylines that would be the tabletop game equivalent of an episode of a show. Unfortunately they're a lower priority than most of the other creative projects on my plate, so they'e probably going to be put off for a while longer yet.

Among the number of things I need to get done today, I want to go buy a new version of my favorite scented candle. I found this amusingly-named off-brand "Patriot Candle" at Walgreens in a soft cinnamon-vanilla scent, and I absolutely love it. I just went through my second one, so today I want another one. It makes my room so pleasant and I like feeling like I'm living inside a giant mug of chai. :-)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

BPAL review: The Unicorn

I'm probably the only person in the world selecting a scent to wear to run her campaign.

As a side note, the Unicorn is a character in Alice. His scent would be cool and crisp, which honestly reminds me more of the White Rabbit BPAL.

The Unicorn
From the Mad Tea Party Collection
A misty, almost luminous perfume: wispy linden blossoms, white flowers, and a touch of sweet herbs.

In the imp: Very sweet, a very clean, light floral scent. The sort of scent one might like walking into a clean room after a long day. As someone comforted by clean smells, I like it.

Wet: Less sweet now, more delicately floral. I think the herbs make it just a little spicy. Very nice.

Dry: Subtle, pretty, floral, herbaceous. I find that, unlike many BPAL users, the scents do not change much on my skin, nor do notes disappear or reappear in the process, they just mellow with time.

The verdict: A relaxing scent, very gentle and pleasant. Not my favorite, but there is something comforting about how clean and delicate it is.

Burn Notice tonight and other project progress

The long-awaited conclusion to the infiltration of the undergound boxing ring will finally happen in tonight's session of Burn Notice. I think I'm finally feeling confident in what I've got planned. I have a decent storyline in mind, and I actually think I've planned the combat portions to the point where I can capably run them, or at least fake it convincingly enough. :-) That's always been my problem, that the rules are so opaque to me that I'm afraid if I even try to make things up as I go, it'll be so transparently wrong and off that it just won't work. But I've done my homework for this and I think I can swing it. We'll see how it goes.

Organizing this session is a pretty significant accomplishment off my to-do list. I feel like accomplishing more things. I want to finish at least one more item today. Let's go see what that shall be.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Alas, sweater

As part of my New Years resolution to dress better, I think I will occasionally discuss my thoughts on what I'm wearing these days and what works and what doesn't.

I think one of the reasons people wear schlubby clothes that don't make them look good is because at one point those clothes actually did make them look good. I think this is the reason why I've been holding on to this one sweater I have that I always really liked, but just isn't getting the job done anymore. I've been in denial about that fact.

Today I decided to go for a more polished look and went to the old standby classic of white collared blouse under nice V-neck sweater. It's a great classy look that, if you can get two pieces that layer well together, flatters pretty much anyone no matter your body type. It's also warmer in the winter to have the extra layer. I chose the white striped blouse I have to either wearing something over or something under because it's so sheer and my gray cable-knit V-neck sweater. At first glance it looks good, because they fit together and the cuts are right, but on closer inspection the sweater has stretched such that the fit is just slightly off at all points of my torso, that lost definition making me look wider in the waist and flatter in the bust. There's also a very unattractive bowing in the elbows when I straighten my arms. To top it all off, it's gotten to pill pretty badly.

I am disappointed, because once this sweater looked really great on me, but I think I've been trying to make it work like it used to when it just isn't as nice as it used to be. Looking at the label, it's a wool-nylon-cashmere blend-- not exactly known for holding its shape or its quality. This sweater is worn out, and that means I should get rid of it. I am resistant because I don't have another sweater with quite the same obliging cut to accomodate blouses underneath, and certainly not in this nice charcoal color. And of course, it used to look nice on me, and I want that look it gave me back. But that means I should replace this one with a new one that serves the same function, a nicer one maybe in higher-quality merino wool that will not wear as badly. After I think four years of wear, this one is really showing it's age and is no longer flattering on me.

What I have learned from this is that clothing that doesn't fit right is not clothing I should be wearing. And if a piece of clothing used to fit right and doesn't anymore, I need to let it go. I may hold onto this particular piece until the end of the season, I've been needing sweaters a lot in this cold weather, but once things warm up, I am jettisoning the thing and looking into finding a superior replacement for the next cold season.

Maybe I should work out my grouchiness issues like this too. That other New Years resolution hasn't been going so well.

Third anniversary

Today is Jared and my anniversary. We've been together for three years.

I love you, dear.


Every lousy word you write

I had a great conversation with morethings5* at BSCFabout how burdensome it can be to keep writing again and again, especially when you don't feel like what you're producing is any good. He's trying to write a daily blog about fairytales and finding it can be difficult to be brilliant and insightful every day. But even though the more you write the more likely it is to be shit, you're also improving your writing the more you write, and therefore are also more likely to produce something good. It occurred to me that my LiveJournal is my way of dealing with this-- yes, most of the stuff I post in it is "what stupid thing made me angry" or "this part of me looked particularly pretty today," but every now and then, I write a really thoughtful essay about pornography, and it gets me writing every day, giving you lot something to read. :-)

So, in that spirit, I am going to write some shit in hopes that maybe another time will be gold. I am irritated with Express. It's abused me in such a way as I developed Stockholm Syndrome as a result. After realizing I needed a pair of black dress pants, I decided to check out their Editor style that has excellent word of mouth. When I went to the store to try them on and see, I dug through the stacks for my typical size zero, short length. You'd think they'd have plenty, but I had a bit of a tough time finding a pair. And then, when I finally got into the dressing room with them... they were too big. They were too big on me! Now, I know I haven't lost any weight, all my other clothes fit me just the same. Express apparently vanity-sized things so that everything is now a little bigger. I now couldn't find pants there because they were out of the even smaller size I needed.

I should be pissed; I really could use a nice pair of black slacks, and they kept me from being able to get them by making my size even more obscure. But instead, I feel smug. I love being a zero. The only thing I could love more is being a double zero. And now, due to Express's nefarious deception, I am. Even if this means I can't seem to get a pair of pants that fits.

This is their wickedness at work. Express screwed me, and made me like it. Screw you, Express!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eagerly awaiting his return

Jared comes back from his family vacation to the Galapagos today. He's been gone for ten days, and we haven't been able to talk to each other since he's been out of the country. I eagerly await him calling me when he finally gets in; I'm missing him like crazy and I can't count the number of times over the last week and a half I've gone to dial his number and remembered he can't take calls. Never quite realize just how often I call him or want to call him in the course of a normal day until he's unreachable and I have to stop myself short. He returns to Chicago today, and then on the 18th he'll be getting back to Boston. Fortunately I have that day off for Martin Luther King Day, so I'm pleased that we'll be able to spend all of his first day back together. Tomorrow is actually our anniversary, which sadly we will be apart for, but that's all right, we've agreed to celebrate it a few days late.

BPAL Review: Euphrosyne

Picked this one because of the character in my play. In my version, Euphrosyne's the mean one. :-)

The Grace of Mirth
Gardenia, tea rose, vanilla and jasmine.

In the imp: Very sweet, very floral. Nice, but could use something to balance it.

Wet: I think I'm mostly getting the gardenia and the jasmine. It's a little less sharp on the skin, which I like.

Dry: Still intensely floral, but pleasantly less intensely sweet and more delicate now. I was hoping to detect more of the vanilla, but it's not coming out on me.

The verdict: I like it, but I like it more once the sweetness mellows out. I like delicate floral scents, though they are less exciting than some. I think I would enjoy it more if the vanilla gave a richer tone to the flowers; as I said, it could use something to give it more complexity.

I know it's not usually a good idea to choose scents for other people, but it might be a nice congratulations gift for the Graces in the cast to give each of them a bottle of the scent named after the one they played.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Room rearrangement

I have integrated the new bookshelf into my room. I moved my old one ninety degrees so it sits on the other wall in the corner it was in, and put the new one, which is taller and narrower, in its place. I confess, it is a darker color than I hoped it would be, but seeing as my problem with the old one was that it was too light, I guess there's just no pleasing me, huh? I know I'll just have to unload the books from it when it's time to use it in the show, but I've got a fair bit of time before then, Might as well get some use of it and not just have it clutter up my room. I hope it can help me keep my things better organized. I'd like it to make my room seem neater; otherwise I'm afraid it's just taking up too much space.

Lovely dinner and stand-in Riker

Dinner with rigel* and bleemoo* was lovely last night; they were excellent company and wonderful dinner guests. I shall have to have them over to cook for more often. The apple cider chicken came out well; it's basically a sauteed chicken dish in a thick, coarsely pureed sauce made of carrots, onions, cider, heavy cream, and apple vinegar, topped with a garnish of a sauteed apple slice in butter. I thought all the vegetable flavors worked well together. Having made it once I think I can do it without the cream, but it would take away from the richness of the puree. Rigel suggested trying almond milk, which might be a non-dairy way of keeping it creamy. I like that idea; I've never had almond milk before, but I've always wanted to try it.

Joe is coming to visit today for the rest of the week, along with his girlfriend and another friend of theirs. I'm excited to see him. He's going to be filling in as Riker in the Burn Notice session I'll be running this weekend. That promises to be interesting; I'm really looking forward to seeing what he'll do with the character. At the moment there are two storylines active in the campaign-- one a job for a friend of Donovan's mother that involves busting up an underground boxing ring, the other about Gwen's brother and ex-fiancee coming from Ireland to warn her that someone's trying to frame her --so I've got to sort out how those two will interact in this session. I guess I could put one on hold for the other, just so one has a chance of getting resolved sooner rather than later, or I could just let them follow whichever thread they prefer at the moment. That probably will require even more planning on my part-- I like an extremely well-planned out campaign --so I'm going to have to buckle down.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Productive day

I am pleased to report that yesterday was a productive day. Got a good chunk of work done on the Labor Wars character sheet that is due for our next meeting, though I'm not quite finished with her yet. I like this character; I think she's the sort I'd be happy to play. I hope I'm doing her justice.

Also, made a little progress on acquiring set pieces for To Think of Nothing. I accompanied Bernie to Staples and happened to find a stack of desk blotters, a number of which were out of their packaging and somewhat damaged. The new ones were forty dollars, significantly more than I was willing to spend on such a thing, but it occurred to me to ask if I could buy the messed up ones at a discount. They let me have it for three dollars plus tax! It's not even all that damaged; I think with a little repair and polish I can get it looking good as new. :-)

We also went to Home Depot, where I asked about changing the color of the Ikea shelf. The guy told me it would take a lot of luck, skill, time, effort, and tools to get that thing to look halfway decent, and I probably wouldn't have any success with anything that would make it look like wood. I also would probably end up spending so much on the necessary paint and tools that I should probably just buy a new cheap shelf in the color I wanted. Well, not what I wanted to hear, but okay. On to plan B. So I did. I got a new shelf about six feet tall and two-and-some feet across in a much darker wood color that looks significantly less cheap and tacky for about thirty dollars. Not bad for how much nicer it looks than it is. I think I will keep it myself after we use it for the show and not ask for reimbursement. I'm a bit disappointed my five-dollar, perfectly-sized find didn't work out, but no matter. I can always just sell it to somebody for what I paid for it. :-) Certainly somebody can use a perfectly good bookshelf.

Tonight I will be having rigel* and bleemoo* come over for dinner. I'm really looking forward to it, I've never gotten the chance to cook for them before. I'm going to try an apple cider chicken recipe that I've never gotten to make before because I don't know what to substitute for the heavy cream in the sauce. Should be a tasty meal, with very lovely company.

Passing it on

In memory of family and friends who have lost the battle with cancer; and in support of the ones who continue to conquer it! Re-post this in your LiveJournal if you know someone who has, had or has been affected by cancer.

via aurora_knight*

Monday, January 11, 2010

BPAL Review: Dorian

Because I decided to wear this today, and it's interesting enough to talk about.

from the Sin and Salvation Collection:
"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself." Inspired by and created for my beloved Tedwin: my eternal, beautiful, wicked Dorian Gray. Refined, elegant, and lovely, with a noble bearing and seemingly gentle air. This blend is an artful deception: a sweet gilded blossom lying over a twisted and corrupted core. A Victorian fougere with three pale musks and dark, sugared vanilla tea.

In the imp: It's lovely, the musk making it very rich while the vanilla tea keeps it light and delicate. I have a taste (or a nose, rather) for old-fashioned soft scents like this.

Wet: Much the same, a scent that is full and deep but not heavy.

Dry: It mellows nicely, maintaining the richness but more subtle. Rich but delicate is a perfect combination for me.

The verdict: I love it; really beautiful and elegant. I actually think this scent could work on a man as well as a woman. I could see this becoming something I wear frequently.

Repeat fashion victim

So I have this white fleecey hooded zip-up that I absolutely love because it's thick enough to be really warm yet form-fitting enough to look sleek and attractive. The problem is, due to its winning combination of convenience, warmth, comfort, and style, I've been wearing it all the time lately. I've always been slightly embarrassed to be caught wearing the same thing over and over again, but it's really the best thing I have for throwing over anything I'm already wearing and having it fit, be warm enough, and look good. I guess I hereby designate it my "indoor coat," not to be considered part of any outfit, but to be worn in the same manner as my outdoor winter coats. Therefore know this before you raise your eyebrows at me and think, "She's wearing that thing again?" 'Cause I know you're all doing that. ;-)

There. That should take care of my insecurity. :-) One of my New Years resolutions is to make an effort to dress more stylishly. Naturally, being less important than the "be less of a grouch" one, it is going significantly better.

Intercon mulling

After reading laurion*'s summary of the current decision to move Intercon to a hotel in Waltham, I must commend him and the other boardmembers for their thoughtful examination of the situation and doing the best they can to handle it. It seems as if the saddest victim of the move will be the consuite, losing its ability to provide free food, but it occurs to me that I and other Waltham-based larpers may not need to pay for a hotel room if we so choose, which would probably more than compensate cost-wise. Interesting.

Also in regards to Intercon, I am still on the waitlist for my two games. I'm considering dropping off the Shadows Over Babylon one, even though I really really want to play, if only to have a Friday game. The only thing available in that slot right now is a Divus Ex game, however, and the Divus Ex game I played in a couple of Festivals ago was one of the worst larps I've ever been in, so I'm not sure.

Bah, life.

I am a non-functioning human being.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I'm tired of having to deal with people who resent me, not for who I am, but for what I represent.

I'm also tired of my friends telling me I'm being mean because I say, "Okay, so fuck those people." How am I supposed to react?

Bookshelf get

I successfully made the journey into Boston yesterday and secured myself an Ikea bookshelf for just five dollars. I found the place okay, it fit in my car okay, and the ad didn't turn out to be a ruse to lure murder victims to a secluded spot or whatever. :-)

The bookshelf itself looks unattractively cheap. I believe it to be particleboard, compressed wood sealed over with laminate. It is also that very pale bare-wood-looking color, which emphasizes its junkiness. It is, in my snobbish opinion, too ugly and certainly the wrong color either to put on stage or to keep in my house as is. So I've been doing some research on how to class it up a little. Apparently it seems the easiest way is to buy polyurethane spray paint that is supposed to change the color while leaving the grain still visible. If I can get it to work, it would look like darker wood, which would make it look nicer and less cheap. I think darker wood would be easier to match to any desk we're likely to find to borrow from the Brandeis set storage, and if I keep it myself it would go better with my furniture, a dark bedroom set and reddish-brown desk. It might not work, apparently laminate is hard to paint and while the polyurethane can work it's sometimes tough to use, but I paid five bucks for this thing and I don't love it anyway, so who cares if it doesn't come out.

If anyone has any experience re-coloring laminate furniture, feel free to throw in your two cents and give me advice. Or if anybody wants to help me with this little project, I'd welcome the assistance.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bookshelf trek

Eventful evening yesterday. A lovely group of BSCFers gathers at my house, while I spent the early part of the evening attending a read through of To Think of Nothing on Skype. Arranged by Charlotte, who is playing Selene, it was really good to get to hear another run through of the lines. I'm really grateful to Charlotte for organizing it, and I'd love to do it again if they have time before they get back from break. After that I went back out into the living room and spent some time with the guests before zonking out on the couch, as is typically for me for late gatherings. Sadly I missed an opportunity to play Small World, introduced to me by laurion* and my current favorite boardgame, but there will always be other chances. I'm planning on having another BSCF at my place next Thursday evening as well, so maybe then.

Today after work I am going into Boston to buy a bookshelf I found listed on Craigslist. It's a cheap, junky thing from Ikea, in most cases not something I'd consider worth it, but Bernie and I were talking about having a tall bookshelf in the background as part of the To Think of Nothing set, and this one is only five dollars. Maybe if I can make it look less cheap and tacky somehow (stain? I don't know what the thing's made of) I can get some use out of it myself. Not sure where I'll put it; I already have a shorter, wider bookshelf in my room that is actually getting a bit overcrowded, so I guess I could sub it in, but then I'd have to find a place for the old one.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stuff and things

I'm not sure what to make of when this lady in my office uses me for her personal errands. I know I'm supposed to help on her projects, but not all of this seems like "work for projects" so much as "chores vaguely relating to work I don't want to have to do myself." It's not like I have anything better to do most of the time, but nobody else has me renew their memberships to things or organize their filing cabinet. I don't really mind doing the stuff, but I'm a little put off by the feeling I get that she's taking an advantage that nobody else in the office feels it's appropriate to take.

Today I think I want to hit the costume shop and see if I can find any little bits and pieces to finish off my Redemption saloon girl costume. As I mentioned, right now I'm thinking a short crinoline, fishnet stockings, and maybe a lacy garter. I'd like to find some way to introduce a bit more color into the ensemble but all the most appropriate pieces I have for the look I want are black, and the yellow in the dress is an odd pale color that is tough to match anything to. Maybe the costume shop will give me ideas.

Also trying to do some preliminary rehearsal scheduling for To Think of Nothing. Right now I'm thinking I'd like to have one long full-cast rehearsal and a couple smaller rehearsals a week. The trouble is that the play requires all eight actors onstage at once for the bulk of it, so that means finding a time when everyone is available. I want to see about that early to minimizing scheduling difficulty. Right now I'm thinking four or so hours on Sundays for the long one, either in the afternoon or in the evening depending on what people prefer, and then just call them in smaller groups for shorter periods during the week. I've got my fingers crossed that will work out, because I think if we can swing that we're golden.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Costuming ingenuity

I am quite pleased with myself.

Tonight I decided to give a little preliminary thought to my costume for Redemption. I was getting quite discouraged, going through all my clothes and various costume pieces trying to figure out what had that I could possibly wear as an Old West saloon girl and coming up with nothing. The only possibilty that seemed even vaguely close was this dress I thrifted a while back that is black lace overlaid on pale yellow. It's not really something I'd ever wear normally, and I keep being this close to throwing it away except for its potential to be useful as a costume. Still, even this isn't really right. So I started browsing the Internet looking for a more setting-appropriate saloon girl outfit for cheap.

I found a couple of neat, nice-looking options, but they were still just a little bit more money than I wanted to spend. I considered forking over the money, but then took a closer look and actually took note of the elements that went into the costumes-- bodices, gathered skirts, off-the-shoulder blouses. Huh. So I went back to my closet and tried to see what could simulate the same look. I put on the yellow dress with the lace overlay. Then I undid all the buttons on a gauzy ruffled black blouse and put it on over it. Lastly I pulled my black Victoria's Secret bodice (maybe bustier is a better word) on top of it all, and arranged the blouse so that it fell off my shoulders. Combined with my Victorian necklace, matching earrings, and my hair up, I had assembled a reasonable facsimile of the expensive ensembles I saw on the Internet, all out of stuff in my closet.

It's not a perfect look; there's too much black, but I'm not sure how to include any more color. I still could probably use a crinoline under the skirt, a pair of fishnet stockings, and maybe a lacy garter. And I still haven't decided what shoes I should wear, though I have several possibilities. I could probably go to the game as I am now and look great for the part, though I wouldn't mind buying those couple of other little accessories. I'm just really proud of myself for, instead of blowing money on an outfit I'd never wear again, putting together a solid basic costume without spending a dime on it.

New Years resolution

I accomplished my unpleasant chores yesterday and I am proud of myself. Nice to have the reminder that I have the power to overcome some of the struggles I've got going on now.

In this vein, I've decided on a New Years resolution. I'm going to try to be more at peace. For reasons I don't feel like discussing my life has become something of a mess these days, and I have been less able to cope with travails than I've ever been in my life. I have been grouchier, moodier, and more inclined to discontent. I really don't like this state of affairs. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of the tough stuff in my life I have the ability to change right now, so the best I can do is try not to let it get me as down as it has. So my resolution is, simply put, try to be less of a grouch.

I shall take strength from the fact that I know my life is a mess these days, but I am handling it fairly well. I hope I can use this to improve my ability to remain even-keeled and not let things so easily upset me.

Monday, January 4, 2010

TToN date grab

It occurs to me that I should throw this out there early so you all can put it on your calendars.

To Think of Nothing will be playing two nights only in the Merrick Theater at Brandeis University, Thursday February 25th and Friday February 26th, tentatively planned to start at 8PM. The show should run no longer than an hour and a half.

This is probably the most significant thing I've done as a writer and artist. It would mean the world to me if you would do me the honor of marking this down and coming to see my show. If you are available on either date, please come join me for this important event.

Thank you.

Larp blah

I think I heard ninja_report* say the other day she got her casting for Super Villain Academy at Intercon already. Kinda sorry to hear it, as I'm still first on the waitlist for that. I guess it's still possible for there to be a drop between now and then, and I don't mind taking over a character without being cast, but it's beginning to look like I'm not getting in. My con schedule is lighter than I'd like this year-- I'm only running one thing and playing in one other, and still on the waitlist for two. And I hate not having a Friday game. Suppose there's still time, but I'm not optimistic.

Got my casting for Redemption at the end of January. I'm Rose Miller, the saloon girl. Looks like a decent part. Jared, however, is concerned his character is going to be everything he hates in a game, so I'm afraid he's either going to drop or have a lousy time. Not exactly what I planned, since I was looking forward for us to larp together with our friends. Just out of curiosity, who is everyone else playing?

Stressed out

Ball of tension today. The weekend was low-key and pleasant but since everything was shut down for the holiday and the snow it pushed my schedule regretfully far back. I have several uncomfortable tasks that must be accomplished today or I will be in trouble, and I am unable to let go of the fear that for reasons beyond my control I won't be able to. Plus it's cold and snowy, which always makes me uncomfortable and nervous, which means I'm grinding my teeth a lot. Such a bad habit, and one that always comes out when I'm too cold and too stressed.

Jared leaves for the Galapagos today, so I really want to be able to talk to him before he leaves. He'll be incommunicado for the whole of the ten-day trip. I'm really happy for him that he gets to go on such a fantastic vacation, but I'll be pretty lonely not being able to call him.

I've been meaning to come up with New Years resolutions, but haven't quite figured them out yet. This should entail figuring out what I've been doing wrong and need to work on for the past year, and trying not to repeat it in the coming one. Perhaps I've just been doing so many things wrong that I'm overwhelmed with choices. :-P

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Finally found a use for D&D minis

Today I decided to really do some work on To Think of Nothing, and I got a lot done. Part of it was working with Bernie, who will be my co-director in order to satisfy school rules; we combined our powers to generate some cool ideas. And part of it was the fact that I finally found a way to make a useful physical model of the stage.

I'm a very visual learner, and sometimes it's hard for me to see what the stage composition will look like just in my head. This gave me a way to experiment with blocking in such a way as I could see what everyone will look like in relation to everyone else. For the stage itself I used a dungeon tile. Three d6's stood in for stage blocks, while part of a tiny jewelry box lid became the desk. I picked eight miniature figures and wrapped each one in a colored flag with the first initial of the character they represented on it. With this, I could click them around the stage and check their positioning.

I've always been inclined to use aids like this, but I've never exactly figured out howto make the model before. These D&D accoutrements have served nicely. I think this will help me a lot.
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