Sunday, February 7, 2010

This is just to say tonight

Tonight was rehearsal for To Think of Nothing. A very special rehearsal.

Tonight I looked very beautiful. Maybe it was the energy of creation. But during the break when I saw myself suddenly in the bathroom mirror, my eyes were bright, my color was high, and I was startlingly beautiful.

Tonight I finished the last of my special tea. I will not be buying more anytime soon due to budgetary constraints, but I will miss it until I can.

Tonight I discovered that my fedora goes well with my camel coat. The band is almost exactly the same color as the wool. I like that very much.

Tonight it occurred to me how much I like the clicking sound of my tall boots. It makes me feel authoritative, stylish, and sleek.

Tonight Jared was excellent. Everything I hoped he would be. Tonight Frances was lovely. She has stepped into the character. She even wore the red dress tonight, and I was lost in looking at her. Tonight things seemed good when I was afraid they would not.

Tonight we had our first full run through of To Think of Nothing. The play I wrote exists. As my troubled protagonist Cassander found, sometimes, there are no words.


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