Friday, February 5, 2010

Planning for dinner with Frances and Brenda

Trying to figure out what to make for dinner with Frances and Brenda tonight. As it often is when I cook for other chefs, I get a bit anxious to impress them with what I serve. Brenda is quite knowledgeable and talented in the kitchen, you see, and Frances is no slouch herself. I plan to run it by Jared first, but at the moment I'm leaning towards tilapia in balsamic brown butter with a farfalle in tomato-mascarpone sauce on the side. This is a delicious Rachel Ray recipe I've made for several little gatherings, so it is a tasty, visually appealing dish that I know I can capably prepare. I'm planning on asking them to arrive in the early evening so Jared has some time to spend with them as well. At eight tonight he has the supers game, so I'm looking forward to him at least joining us for dinner beforehand.

On a distantly related note, I kind of want to take a picture of myself in my bikini with an apron and a chef's hat over it and then caption it with, "Never trust a skinny chef." This appeals to both my vanity and my sense of humor.


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