Sunday, December 6, 2009

Casey in The Pillowman

My parents were in town for Casey's play last night. Jared and I got in the car and drove into the city to meet my parents, my brother, and his girlfriend at Legal Seafood. We had an excellent dinner there, both in food and in company. I ordered an excellent swordfish dish in a mushroom-Marsala demi-glace, and a lovely crab cake for an appetizer-- I've been really craving crab lately. Jared also saw the Legal Seafood Cookbook in the window and asked if I'd like it for Christmas. :-) Excellent idea, my dear.

Then we walked through the snow and the cold to the Emerson theater where we'd be seeing Casey's play. They were putting on The Pillowman, a show I've heard of only because I knew Frances was in it last summer. It was very well-performed by the actors, my brother in particular; in fact, it had been so long since I'd see him onstage that I'd forgotten how good he was. The tech wasn't great and it was way too long, but overall it was an enjoyable, if strange and not totally transparent, play. I'd kind of like to ask Frances about some of the things that her character did, because I'm not sure I understood it all. At any rate, I was very proud of Casey's work.


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