Saturday, April 11, 2009

Must not bite...

I've been so fixated on my fingernails lately that my parents have even begun to notice it. I've been an inveterate nailbiter for most of my life; I can remember doing it as young as age four. But it's a yucky habit with unattractive results and I've been trying to break it. I haven't been doing so badly lately, much better than usual, but it requires a lot of focus that makes me seem obsessed with my nails. I'm trying to grow them out to a point where I can get them shaped so that they don't look so ragged and a little prettier, but there's got to be something for the manicurist to work with before that can happen. *Sigh* I'm so oral, I just really get a lot of satisfaction from the sensation of biting through my nails. It's gross, I know, but what can I say, I just love to chew on things.


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