Monday, January 3, 2011

New year, no progress

I was going to do the meme I did last year, where you examine the first line of the first entry of each month of the previous year and examine how it represents what was going on in your life. But when I looked back, I not only didn't feel like they did much to represent my life, but reminded me of what really went on all last year-- and that is, no progress. I find myself with the exact same set on problems on my plate as I did last New Year's, and I am incredibly disappointed and frustrated by that. It's not that nothing good happened last year-- I helped write a new weekend-long game, and I got to direct a fantastic version of my play, to name a couple things --but I didn't solve any of the issues I knew I wanted to deal with this time last year. I knew what was wrong and even though I resolved to fix it, I look at them now and I'm not in a different place with a single one of them now. It's not that I haven't tried, but everything I could think of to do didn't make a difference to such a degree that A WHOLE YEAR LATER I'm still in the same place.

I don't know what to do now. It's getting to the point where I'm out of ideas, and losing the will to keep grinding when no progress is being made.


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