Monday, January 3, 2011

My personal Larpercalia plans

So, in the midst of this depression, let's try to focus on something positive. The Festival schedule is up and looks absolutely gorgeous, thanks to our wonderful GMs for bidding so many fantastic games. It's going to be a really good con. We currently have seventy-one people already signed up. That's less than I am expecting in total, which ultimately is around a hundred, but I'm uncertain of whether or not everyone usually signs up in advance, or whether they wait until they can actually sign up for games, or whether we'll get many people late rather than early in the process. Still, I expect a full complement of attendees by April.

Now! My personal plans for the con. As I said, there are so many good games, but alas, I have two slots taken by what I am running, and even then great games had to run opposite each other. Alas, there is nothing for it. Here is what I have elected to settle upon:

Friday night I am excited to play in The Prince Comes of Age. It looks very fun, and I am delighted to support the writing team, which is headed by morethings5*, who now holds the title of newest larp writer to come out of Brandeis. A Crown of Hearts also looks fantastic, but I will have to wait to play that one later, as I am already promised to Prince. :-)

Saturday morning I will be running The Stand, my newest solo project. It's shaping up to be one hell of a game, and since this will be the second run, hopefully by then it will be totally-fine tuned. Hope you'll consider playing, if you weren't among those kind enough to go for the Intercon run!

Saturday afternoon I have also promised to play in Epoch's Waning, Chapter 1: Ruins of Grandeur. Frankly I hate the title, but I am interested in the setting and tone of the game. Again I want to support the writing team, and since this is Bernie's baby, I have agreed to play and give what suggestions I have.

Saturday night I am running Resonance, the experimental brainchild of natbudin*, emp42ress*, and simplewordsmith* that they have graciously asked me to help write. It should be intense and novel, not to mention with a really unique structure, so if you're in the mood for something weird and deep, give it a try! I'm sorry to miss Better Off Dead and the others, but them's the breaks sometimes.

Sunday morning I will probably sleep like the dead, like usual. Still, all the games look pretty fun. Might have to break my no-Sunday-games rule, but we'll see.

So. What are you all playing in?


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