Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kindness's female characters

I love the ease with which Morethings5 acts his female characters. I'm watching the Four-Color Supers game right now and Kindness's guest star character just made her debut. He does it so smoothly and unaffectedly, without turning it into an absurdity. He also plays Gwen in my Burn Notice campaign to excellent and believable effect. It's rare for a man to be able to assume a female persona without it coming off as silly or unnatural the way he does. I like that he never feels like he has to do a voice or put on some elaborate "female air;" he just plays them as people. He's also remarkably unself-conscious about it and I always admire that level of security. I wish more guys weren't so damn terrified of coming off as effeminate or unmanly if they stretched like that. It's a testament to his acting ability that he can make it work so smoothly.


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