Friday, January 13, 2012

Tailor progress report

So it's looking like I am definitely going to need to split Tailor into multiple episodes. The story has become so large and so complex that I think breaking it down into chunks of about thirty minutes or so is the only way to present it in manageably coherent form. To that end, I think I have finished the script for the first episode, which I shall title "The Gown." It has come out fairly well, I think, and is currently under review by myself and a trusted editor or two. I feel good about it, especially since now I have a solid piece to go through at our read through a week from today. I would like to go even further, though, if for no other reason than a couple of my actors that will be in attendance next Friday only have a couple of lines in the first episode despite a larger presence in later parts of the story. I'd like them to have a little bit more to read than that.

On the note of actors, I have finally cast the piece as well. As I said, this was a surprisingly difficult process given that as my personal, unaffiliated project I could cast it however I wanted. A lot of these roles could easily be switched because of the talent of my actors, but I think this is a pretty solid cast. I'm pleased with it at least.

And so, the cast of The Tailor of Riddling Way:
TOM BARROWS, a local tailor and dressmaker - Jonathan Plesser
ALICE LORING, young heiress to the wealthy Loring estate - Gigi Geller
EMMA LORING, aunt to Alice, once involved in the family business, now a spinster withdrawn from society - Sami Genstein
CONSTANCE DANBURY, aunt to Alice, in her youth a student at university until a spate of ill health, now chronically indisposed - Steph Karol
EDMUND DANBURY, gentleman of old and powerful background, married to Constance, current proprietor of Loring Textiles - Casey Roberts
ROWAN LORING, father to Alice, popular gentleman about town, now local hero after dying in action in WWI - Jonathan Kindness
BETHANY LORING, aunt to Alice, beloved baby of the family until her still-unsolved death at her debutante ball - Carolyn Daitch
REGINALD LORING, Loring family patriarch, father to Rowan, Emma, Constance, and Bethany, captain of industry and prominent citizen - Dave Benger
SUSAN WARREN - longtime housekeeper at Loring's End, deeply devoted to the family - Charlotte Oswald
ABIGAIL BARROWS - mother to Tom, accomplished dressmaker and embroiderer who passed on her knowledge to her son - Caitlin Partridge
JOHN CRIER - young policeman investigating the murder at Loring's End - Andrew Prentice
KENNETH GARNER - local ne'er-do-well, known around town as a drunk - Jared Hite
DELLA CARRUTHERS - proprietor of a popular local working-class pub, friend to Tom - Jenn Giorno

At least, that's the characters I know already exist. I may add more as the script is written out. At the moment, I actually have one more part that I hadn't originally planned on including and now need an actor for. The role is male, and though I know a number of talented male actors I could ask, the one complication is that the actor must be able to put on a slight-- slight, mind you, NOT strong --German accent. I'll have to ask around about that. If anyone knows anyone, let me know, and of course if you fit that description feel free to volunteer.


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