Thursday, January 26, 2012

Savonarola costume, part I

Did a bit of work on my costume for Venezia this Saturday. It wasn't anything terribly complicated; I just cut the curtain I had in half, then cut a chunk out of the center, and sewed up all the raw edges. It looks pretty neatly vestlike, though it ended up being a bit longer in the back than in the front. Not that I think it matters, I just meant for them to be even. Here's what it looks like so far.

All that remains is to figure out how to make the hood. The hood is the most important part of it, as it will give it the monastic look, and as I'm going for something slightly intense and imposing, I want to have something to stare creepily out from under at people. It will also help me look a little more masculine if my head and hair are concealed. I want the hood to be big and floppy, so I need a big piece of fabric, and I also need to figure out how to make it attach at the small neck opening while still having the volume I want in the part that will go over my head.

For the rest of it, I think I will wear a black poet shirt underneath it and black leggings with my Renaissance boots. Which also makes me think maybe I should use my black leather belt rather than the brown one I've got in the picture. Black and gold will be a nice color combination. I shall look both grand and terrifying, just as an agent of God should.

Off to figure out that hood.


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