Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Stupid obsessing over LJ stats

Did some quick calculating on my stat page yesterday across the four months of this year so far. Since it occurred to me that I'd posted so many fewer entries in April than I did in March, I decided to see how many hits I got a month for each entry that month.

8,875 hits/41 public entries = 216.46 hits/entry in January
10,324 hits/41 public entries = 251.80 hits/entry in February
12,933 hits/41 public entries = 315.44 hits/entry in March
11,271 hits/29 public entries = 388.66 hits/entry in April

That's actually a fairly significant increase. Especially if it's true that some people are reading the cross-posts in Buzz instead of coming to my LJ. If I keep my level of new entry production up, I will probably in turn keep my hit count up, or possibly increase it as the trend shows. I worry it's likely to lead (if it hasn't already, see some of yesterday's entries) to me posting stupid stuff just to increase production of new content, which is a bad idea because if people quit enjoying reading, then they won't come back for new content. But it's nice to know that people haven't gotten bored of reading me.

It's stupid that I care so much. But I haven't been feeling so good lately, and little nice things are better than none at all.


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