Thursday, May 20, 2010

Comparative gaming styles

There will be BSCF at my house tonight. That is cool, although I'm not sure I'm feeling up to that much social interaction. Depending on my ability to pretend to be a human being tonight, I may have to go hide in my room. If I can manage to behave like a real person, however, perhaps I shall try to get a game of Small World going.

I heard that at WPI, when Small World is played it is considered standard practice to make diplomatic agreements with other players. At Brandeis, we tend to be geared much more toward pure strategy when we play. If the right move is not immediately obvious, everyone around the table with discuss what the most advantageous move given the situation is, regardless of what other player it may hurt, and countless times I have heard someone advise their opponent to attack they themselves because it is objectively the best move.

I find this hilarious given WPI versus Brandeis larping style. At Brandeis we are the diplomats, the ones who sit around in a circle holding hands trying to find some way to work things out, while I have found WPI larpers to be more ruthless, oriented more towards the win-condition than finding some compromise. The reversal of that situation I find very funny.


Chad Bergeron said...

"When playing a game, the goal is to win, but it is the goal that is important, not the winning."

In other words, always play to win, but not because winning is the reason to play.

Implicit in that is the definition of winning. In strategic board games, the win condition is fairly well spelled out. But in LARPing, a lot of people would define winning as having a good time. And if diplomacy means more people 'win', then all the better!

Trend News said...

What is Larping ?
Larping is an acronym for “Live Action Role Play” this skill is often times portrayed by many actress/actors. Larping is when a person act’s within a role of a character in which they are pretending, how to larp

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