Friday, May 14, 2010

On yet another sleep-deprived day...

Sleep yet eludes me. I drop like a felled tree in the evening, wake up three or four times a night, and feel like a zombie the next morning. I'm chalking it up to stress; I've never really been a problem sleeper before. I've got to give that melatonin another try. I think it made a difference; if I recall, I slept better for a couple nights with it and forgot all about taking it, and ended up right back where I started with the bad night's sleep.

We cast The Labor Wars last night. I must say, it was a fascinating experience to glimpse into the Alleged Entertainment system of casting. Unlike most other casting sessions I've seen, they've devised a way to assign value to each answer and use those values to objectively measure compatibility with a character. It's very well-thought-out, and yet they balance it well with using non-quantified answers and knowledge of players to optimizes the matches. I'm really pleased with the cast that was put together last night, and I hope the players are too. Expect character sheets very soon!

I think I have a lead on a decent kitchen table. It's pretty much what I was looking for and very decently priced, so I'm hoping that I get a response to the e-mail I sent this morning confirming that I was interested. With any luck, the seller will get back to me soon and I'll be able to use my free time this weekend to go pick it up. Also, according to the shipping tracking on my kitchen cart, that is set to arrive on the 17th. It would very much please me to have these two household items in order.

In regards to furniture for another dwelling, this Saturday I will also be helping out bronzite* on a related matter. He is in Germany right now but has a furniture delivery scheduled for this weekend, so I will be waiting at his place to let the movers in and deliver the pieces to their proper locations. I'm still waiting for them to call me with the delivery time, so I don't have to be there all day. I guess I could do that if I had to, but I'd prefer not to have to bring quite so much to entertain myself with as would be required in that situation.


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