Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Balancing out

Okay, so there's some positive stuff going on with me too, to compensate for how off I'm feeling today. My new rain boots came in a couple of days ago, and I absolutely adore them. They're Sudini Minnas, gorgeous walking boots made of waterproof leather that you can behold in all their glory here, though I got them in black rather than the admittedly equally lovely chocolate. And since I bought them on eBay, I paid a fraction of their retail value. Oh, eBay, how I love you. The hours I spent scouring the Internet really paid off. These boots are beautiful as well as comfortable, and they've held up admirably to the wet of this rainy morning. I am incredibly pleased, so expect to see them often.

Last night there was a GM meeting for The Labors Wars, which went very well and confirmed my enthusiasm for working on this project with this team. I really admire the way Alleged Entertainment builds a framework for the writing process that schedules regular meetings and due dates for when various components need to be written. If I'm ever in charge of organizing a larp writing team, I definitely plan to take a leaf out of their book. The sense of accountability alone it creates is so useful. Particularly since I'm the New Kid writing an AE game, and the least experienced larper/larp writer, I know I certainly don't want to let anyone down. We assigned bluesheet writing last night which is due in two weeks, and I intend to get an early start.

Also, this awesome exchange occurred, about a particularly ornery character:
Me: "I take it that's your pet character?"
Susan: "Yeah, she's my baby."
Nat: "Your baby's ugly, Susan."

I heart natbudin.

Finally, youareverysmall's lovely boyfriend Dan is in the area on a bike tour, and he is staying at Elsinore for a few days. The timing is unfortunately pretty terrible, as all the days he's in town I'm booked for ten million prior committments and don't have much in the way of time to hang out with him when he's available. I feel like a lousy host and it's kind of stressing me out. I just hope he's comfortable and has a good time seeing the sights.


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