Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lewis and "Diary of Jane"

I have just discovered the song "Diary of Jane" by Breaking Benjamin, and I've absolutely fallen in love with it. It's exactly up my alley, hard-edged rock with a story lurking just under the lyrics sung by a coarse-voiced male vocalist. Ahhh, I love it so, and I've listened to it approximately a hundred times since I found it the other day on Pandora.

Went out shopping with my mom. Bought some home stuff I needed, like an oven thermometer and a special cleaner to make my All-Clad beautiful again, but also hit the bookstore. Got a new blank notebook to use for writing down recipes-- I like to write them out in my own words so I know I understand them, and it's nice to be able to take places with me in case I want to cook stuff for people --and a couple of C.S. Lewis books I've been wanting to read forever. I got Surprised by Joy, his autobiography of his coming to Christianity, and A Grief Observed, a collection of essays working through his grief over the death of his wife. I find him such a fascinating man, in addition to being one of my all-time favorite writers, so I'm delighted to have gotten a hold of these. I will probably be posting my reactions to them as and after I read them.


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