Friday, April 9, 2010

Chairing next Festival!

So since receiving the okay that I may mention this, there is a reason I'm so interested in figuring out why games didn't fill at the con this year. I intend to put the data to practical use, as it looks like I am going to be the con chair for next year's Festival of the Larps! I was asked the other day by natbudin*, and he passed my interest along to current con chair zapf*, with whom I discussed the duties last night at BSCF. It doesn't seem difficult, just planning and making sure that things get done. As I said to Sheena last night, I'm mostly in it for the permissions to see what games everybody is in, and to get to pick the theme for next year's con! ;-) I am taking suggestions for that second one, if anyone has any.

I am also seeking for the con committee over the course of the next year, but of course would prefer to line up as far in advance as possible, a bid chair, a GM liason, a housing coordinator, and a master/mistress of the consuite. If you have any questions as to what those positions do, let me know and I'll explain. There are some other positions, but I've been told there is a good shot that those who currently fill them will be willing to do them again next year.


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