Sunday, September 20, 2009

NPCing! On film!

I had an fun and unusual experience yesterday-- I filmed a briefing for bronzite's next Battletech campaign in the character of one of his NPCs. I really enjoyed the whole process. I've only done a little bit of on-camera acting, most of which was for my silly internship, and it usually didn't give us enough time to learn our lines well enough, or do enough takes to really get it right. This was a simple setup that with a little creativity on our part we worked out pretty well, and I feel pretty good about my performance. I'm very excited to see the finished product, once zapf films the part of the lecherous pirate on whom my Wolf Guards are declaring war. :-) We will crush you, you space scum! I also got to keep my costume, a neat-looking olive-drab coat that is quite cozy. I feel kinda guilty about accepting it, as Bronzite bought it expressly for the purpose of the shoot, but as he put it, it was exactly going to fit him. So, thank you, sir, very generous of you. I hope of those you who are in this campaign enjoy my portrayal. :-)


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