Sunday, August 9, 2009


Second night of Mcbeth last night. Again, the show went well, and we had a decent-sized audience that seemed to enjoy our work. Weirdest thing happened to me, though.

There's one guy in the show, the one who plays Duncan, that I think seems interesting, and he's one of the more talented actors in my opinion. He... won't talk to me. I'm not sure what's going on. If I'm part of a conversation, he'll kind of ignore me, and if I address something to him directly, he'll never look at me and will usually find a way to direct his answer to someone else. It was really bugging me; I have no idea why he'd do that. It was kind of hurting my feelings until I decided whatever, it's not my fault he's mean or rude.

Then yesterday, since there unfortunately is no on-site bathroom at the outdoor stage where we're performing, I snuck off to my car during intermission to use a restroom in one of the restaurants just down the road, still wearing my costume for quickness's sake. As I was going in, a woman coming out said to me, "This is the ladies room-- oh, God, sorry!" Apparently she mistook me at first for the boy I was trying to look like. Heh, good deal.

When I returned to the stage, I related this amusing anecdote this my castmates. And then Duncan, without looking at me as usual, suddenly says to me "You don't look like a boy. You're very beautiful." He then proceeds to walk away.

Buh? After weeks of refusing to talk to me, he busts out with that? I... don't get it. Is this nothing more than a very high school case of "I can't talk to pretty girls"?

It may be rain tonight in Duxbury, which would cancel the show. We've decided we're all going to go out to dinner together if that is the case. I actually quite like the sound of that.


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