Thursday, March 10, 2011

Strapless bras

While I'm sure top scientists have enough to do with building rockets and finding a cure for cancer and all that, I must say that strapless bra technology could use a little work. I dug mine out to wear with my Clockwork Cafe costume because I strongly believe in non-visible undergarments, so for the the cut of my Chinese dress a bra with straps would not do. But upon putting it on, I had had to say I was not terribly impressed. Granted, mine is quite a few years old by this point, so maybe design improvements have recently been made, but having to hike it up as high as possible just to get it to do its job did not speak of sophisticated design. It sort of settled onto me eventually and worked passibly well, but I can only imagine how tough it is for girls who actually have anything more substantial on top; they must be totally out of luck. Anyone have any recommendations for a decent strapless bra?


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