Sunday, September 4, 2011

Biweekly Theater Writing Challenge #6 - Subtext scene, Mk2

So in my first packet of playwrighting assignments, I had to write a scene that was supposed to be an exercise in writing subtext. What I generated wasn't really subtext at all, so my teacher made me do it again. This is what I wrote for the second try. I'm afraid its' still not subtext, but maybe I'm at least a little bit closer.

            (AMELIA sits at a table. A doorbell rings.)

AMELIA: It's open!

            (Enter CAROLYN with a paper shopping bag.)

CAROLYN: Hey there!

AMELIA: Hey. What did you bring this week?

CAROLYN: Croissants! Chocolate and plain.

            (She begins unpacking the pastries, and puts a little flower in the vase on the table.)

AMELIA: Ugh. None for me, thanks. I've gotten so fat.

CAROLYN: Oh, come on. You're not fat.

AMELIA: I'm blowing up like a balloon. I'm not getting as much exercise as I used to.

CAROLYN: You still look great. Well, I want one.

            (She serves herself a croissant.)

CAROLYN: So what’s new?

AMELIA: Ah, you know. Same old, same old. You sure you don't have anything better to do with your Sunday morning than come over here week after week?

CAROLYN: Amelia, I'm happy to spend time with you.

AMELIA: You could be sleeping in.

CAROLYN: Honestly, I’d be afraid I’d never see you again.

AMELIA: What do you mean?

CAROLYN: Well… you don’t really want to go out very often anymore.

AMELIA: I’m not feeling like very much fun lately.

CAROLYN: I’m starting to worry about you, hon.

            (AMELIA laughs harshly.)

AMELIA: Thanks for your concern, sweetie, but the damage has already been done.

CAROLYN: It isn’t just that, though. You… you’re not yourself lately, Amelia.

AMELIA: I’m having a hard time right now, in case that isn’t obvious.

CAROLYN: I know. I understand. But it makes me worry about you. You never want to go out to see your friends anymore. Heck, you don’t even seem all that happy when I come over here.

AMELIA: Well, I’m sorry if your weekly pastry delivery doesn’t make it all better for me.

CAROLYN: It’s not like that. It can’t be good for you to withdraw so much.

AMELIA: I don’t want to be around anyone.

CAROLYN: Don’t you think that will make things worse?

AMELIA: Like seeing people will make things better? Hearing about how well the old ballet class is going from Lina and Caitlin? And anytime we want to go somewhere, have it be this whole big pain in the ass to make sure I can get in the front door? I’m sick of always being the elephant in the room.

CAROLYN: You have to live your life.

AMELIA: Live my life? Live my life? My life was ballet class, and going out at night, and shopping with the girls, and not needing a ramp just to leave the house! So tell me, Carolyn, how am I supposed to live my life?

            (CAROLYN is silent.)

AMELIA: I think you should go now. You know the way out. You’ll forgive me if I don’t get up.

            (AMELIA spins her wheelchair and wheels herself out.)


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