Friday, July 22, 2011

Merely Players script finished

At last, I have completely edited and polished up the script for Merely Players. I confess I am still not totally satisfied with it. The edit took me a long time because I was stuck on not being happy with a couple of areas and wasn't quite sure how to fix them. There's still a place or two where it doesn't feel quite right to me. But at least it's done and ready to go. I have sent it off to several trusted readers to examine and give suggestions on if any come to mind. The first reader I've heard back from has been positive, so perhaps it's better than I fear.

Now I must begin on really blocking it. There is some blocking incorporated into the stage directions, basically to convey to the reader how the blocking is supposed to support the melodramatic humor of the piece, but there needs to be a lot more stage business than just that. As I've mentioned, it's very important that this piece use space and interact with the audience differently than a typical show. I want the entire space to be utilized for the performance, not just the small auditorium stage, with all the characters being visible for most of the show, moving among the audience, unusual things like that. I know the space we're going to have and how we're going to arrange it. That's enough information to get started. I like going into a production with at least a solid idea of the blocking; it makes rehearsals go more smoothly. Of course you have to be willing to let things grow and evolve once the actors are involved, but I find everything works better when they have a jumping-off point.


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