Monday, February 27, 2012

Intercon is nigh

Intercon is just a few days away. I am excited, but also a little regretful. Titus is also premiering this weekend, and I won't be there for a lot of it. At least I'll get to see the Thursday and Sunday shows.

I am a little unsure of what to expect from my games this weekend. I'm afraid that of the two that I'm playing, one character sheet seems pretty bereft of plot and things that translate into in-game action, and the other one is of awkward and amateurish construction. The second I'm not so worried about, I've been in plenty of games that were poorly written that still played fantastically-- funny thing about larp --but I confess to being a wee bit disappointed. Still, with my positive outlook for Lent, I am determined to make my own good time one way or another. I am currently brainstorming my own plots and directions for the first character to be implemented if I find myself without a lot to do, and for the second I plan to just go with whatever happens. I at least like the IDEAS behind my two castings, so I can run with that alone if I have to and make up the rest as I go. And there will be Resonance to run, a game that I am proud of that I enjoy putting on. It's going to be a good con, I'm sure.

I have to get packing this week. I've already drawn up my list so as not to forget anything, as is my habit when going away for a weekend. :-P I also need to figure out what food I want to take. I was pretty successful with my picnic basket strategy last year, so I may just want to cook some meals that can be eaten cold and put them in a cooler to take along again. Better get on that, there's not much time let to get it all ready.


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