Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Travel plans, I hate them

So I am now kind of grouchy with my brother. We are supposed to be going home to Allentown for Thanksgiving tomorrow, which means we will be driving back together. The trouble is that tomorrow is the busiest travel day all year, and I want to leave as early as possible so as to not hit traffic and get stuck in it for hours and hours. The sensible thing to do, and the easiest on me, would be for him to come over and spend the night at Elsinore tonight, so we can just jump in the car in the early morning. But he's got to film a thing tonight and he hasn't gotten packed yet, so he says he doesn't want to. Which means in order for us to get on the road at an efficient time, I have to get up even earlier, drive into Somerville hopefully before rush hour, and pick his ass up before we can even start heading home. Makes things a heck of a lot harder on me. As if I didn't dislike traveling enough already, what with the severe propensity toward motion sickness. Grumble. Ah, well. In return for my allowing this, he has agreed to drive the whole way and not play his music loud so I can catch up on sleep. I guess that won't be so bad, and it will be worth it if we actually do manage to get home without getting trapped in traffic.


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