Friday, November 5, 2010

Glad that something's easy

I like cooking for so many reasons. I like that, since everybody in the world needs to eat, it's one of the few arts that all people can enjoy and appreciate. I like that it helps me remember eating is one of the great joys in life and not a constant assault on my figure. I like how it takes care of people, expresses your love for them, and makes them feel good. But it's also because it's the first thing in ages that as soon as I started trying to learn it, I was good at it. I picked it up with pretty much effortless ease, and got fairly skilled at it in very short order.

In the last several years, everything seems to be very hard for me. Everything requires so much work for me these days that I often feel dull and incompetent, like if I were smarter this wouldn't be so difficult for me. Especially since I came to college, I came to really understand what it meant to be the pretty one in most groups, not the smart one. I spend a lot of time wondering why things that are so tough for me aren't for so many other people.

I like cooking in part because it's nice to have one thing in my life that isn't a slog and a struggle. It's nice to just be good at something.


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