Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Potted the daylilies!

I planted my daylilies today!

I don't know much about flowers, so I looked up daylilies online and learned that one ought to plant them in potting soil in planters of at least twelves inches in width and depth. So after work I went over to the Waltham Home Depot and picked up the soil and took a look at pots. I wanted something a little prettier, but they got very expensive at that size. I would have gone with plain terra cotta, which were nice but much cheaper, except that they were heavy to lift even without dirt and a growing plant inside. So I just went with plastic, choosing ones as visually inoffensive as possible. I might end up killing these little fellows after all, so maybe I don't need to start splurging on their houses until I know they're not going to be dry and empty in a month.

I put them in just below the surface of the soil and gave them just a drizzle of water; it's likely they'll get more from the rain today. I followed the instructions as carefully as I could, so we'll see how it goes. And back in my hometown daylilies grow wild by the side of the road all over the place, so they can't be that fragile, can they? I can't wait till I find out what color they are. Maybe they'll all be different and I'll have one of each!


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