Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wooo cheap costuming!

Had an extremely good rehearsal for Winter's Tale last night. I really like the character of Antigonus. It's fun playing a brave, righteous person, and getting to do courageous things and agonize over the terrible things that other characters do. Not since Cordelia have I gotten to play someone so straight-up heroic. I particularly like the physicality of the scene we did last night, with Leontes shoving Antigonus around and Antigonus takes it because he's his king. I like balancing the defiance of the mad orders with the still-unquestioned allegiance to his liege lord. This is a really good role and I am having a lot of fun with it. I hope Steph is pleased with me. I enjoyed working out the scene with her.

Got my character hint for Stars of Al-Ashtara. At this point we are not allowed to say anything about who we are, so I will say only that apparently my highly flexible casting questionnaire for some reason made me a tougher rather than easier cast, but still from what little information my hint contained I think I like the sound of it. It inspired me to go on eBay and find myself an amazingly well priced couple of costume pieces of the sort I've always wanted to wear. I agonized over what color to buy, settled on one in a panic, and then immediately regretted after purchasing it. Hopefully my frantic e-mail request to change colors will be received before shipping. If not, oh, well, most colors look good on me anyway. It may be too sexy for the role, but it's an Arabian game-- when else am I going to have an excuse to dress like that? ;-) I may end up using it as my Halloween costume as well, since at the moment I have no plan for one.

*Sigh* I'm turning into that girl who has to use any dress-up occasion as an excuse to look slutty. I hate that girl. She's so uninspired. But I really really like this costume.


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