Thursday, September 9, 2010

שנה טובה ומתוקה

So Winter's Tale is now cast, and has even begun rehearsals. They had only the read through and then one night of blocking so far, since there are never any rehearsals on high holidays, and it is now Rosh Hashana. I am happy to hear that Steph is extremely pleased with her cast. I am as well; I attended the read through and was really happy to see how many good actors we've got. Hold Thy Peace seems to be starting off the year in very good shape, and I have secured permission from Madame Director to visit rehearsals every now and again so I can see a little of the process. Onward goes our little Shakespearean family.

Tomorrow night I will be attending a Rosh Hashana dinner. I am going to be making a mixed berry pie, one of my showiest dishes, which just happens to be pareve and therefore can accompany any other dish whether milk or flesch. I have all the crust ingredients, and I'm pretty sure I have corn starch and chambord for the filling, so all I need to buy is the various kinds of berries. I'll leave that till tomorrow.

L'shana tova to all my lovelies.


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