Saturday, March 14, 2009

Festival... like, wow...

So Festival signups started a couple nights ago. As you all my know, I'm currently running three games, all of my own or partially my own creation-- Alice, my baby, Oz, my new one, and Paranoia, a collaboration with several friends.

Apparently, Oz was the first game to fill-- it had a waitlist within two minutes. And now that waitlist is up to ten, having at one point had a high of eleven. From what I've heard, were I not packed to the gills for that weekend, I would have enough people for a second game at Festival alone. Additionally, there are eight people waiting on Alice and eight more on Paranoia.

I am flattered, I am pleased, I am terrified.

Okay, I'm not terrified. Alice has proven itself and I know will have a third great run. I am reasonably confident that I am making a very good game in Oz, and that the players will enjoy it very much. Paranoia is coming along nicely and I think we'll all be proud of it. I am a little nervous about how much is left to do for Oz. And a few things for Paranoia on top of it. Though all the questionnaires are out, as is the Paranoia bluesheet. Should work on finishing the one for Oz and get it sent out.

I really, really don't want to be a one-hit wonder.

Thank you all for so much interest in my games, it really makes me feel good. I promise I will be rerunning Oz. As soon after Festival as possible, if need be. It's only a fifteen person game, which is limiting, but also that will make it easier to organize a second run. And if you didn't get in this time, you're among a group of fantastic larpers who will make for a great cast.

Here's hoping I justify that much enthusiasm.


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