I have finally finished the screenplay version of The Tailor of Riddling
Way! I handed it in yesterday to my awesome teacher. It's rough, and
this is just the first draft of likely many, but I finished it! Given
how often screenplays end up partially done bits of debris on a writer's
hard drive, this is kind of a big deal.
It will need a lot of
fixing. I could feel my brain burning out and not being sure how to edit
it. But for now I'm just going to enjoy the feeling of having a
complete first draft. When I recover a little I will be back-engineering
the second half to finish the audio drama, as I had to adapt the first
half from audio drama to screenplay. But if you care to read my little
film, my very first complete screenplay, I am posting it on LJ for your
pleasure. It will have to be in chunks due to length, so I guess I'll
cut it into four pieces like I was planning with the audio drama.
I am really proud of myself for doing it. :-)
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