I brim with ideas. I have so many ideas for things I want to do and to make, and I want to make use of those six weeks to do a little something of them. A particular INSANE GEEKY NONSENSE idea has taken hold of me and begs me to do something about it, so maybe that will be early in the queue, if I can get over what INSANE GEEKY NONSENSE it is.
Also, I am going out for things. Auditions, applications, submissions. I have a bad track record of getting anywhere with just responding to postings with things like cover letters and stuff like that, but I've got to keep trying, and it's one of the only ways I know how to. I dislike talking about going for things that never end up amounting to anything, so I won't be specific, but I'm putting myself out there. God willing, something will emerge.
Just one more thing to go. Eight pages of fiction to hand in on Saturday. Not really that much at all, but I'm a little stuck on what to write about (some piece of Fallen, I think, but I'm not sure which one) which makes it tough to dig in. Also, the brain is a little burnt from how busy I've been. But after this I will be finished, and hopefully going on to other ideas will re-energize my brain.
It is so like me to want to work on everything under the sun except the assignment that's due.
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