I am enormously amused that a little list I started for a lark several years ago was rediscovered and now everybody's making one. :-D Yay, larp resumes!
To emulate the fun addition made by lightgamer* to the larp resume idea, I will include some interesting stats of my own:
Number of games played: 33
Number of games GMed: 13
Number of betrayers played: 8
Percentage of betrayers played: 24% (almost a quarter of all roles!)
I define betrayer as "character who is generally trusted at game start who secretly plans to screw you for their own ends." :-) Apparently I'm good at that. Good thing I started mentioning on my casting questionnaires, "No more betrayers! Nobody's trusting me anymore!" or I'd never play anything else.
I am also amused by the number of people who I have somehow drawn or coerced into getting LiveJournals in the last couple of months. Yay, more people to write entries for me to read as I compulsively refresh my friends page!
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