Monday, March 8, 2010

Sometimes, you have to please yourself. :-)

For some reason my brain keeps thinking that this week looks like the week directly after Intercon, so I keep thinking I have events over the next couple days that aren't until after the con. So, for example, no Julius Caesar coffeehouse tonight but rather exactly seven days from tonight. This week is actually shockingly light for me until we leave for Chelmsford. The only things on my calendar in the evenings are a game Jared's in and BSCF. I like this, having the freedom to decide if I want to just stay free and the flexibility to do stuff if it strikes my fancy. We'll see what I do with it.

In other news, I went ahead and bid Alice and Oz for Festival. Screw weighing this factor and that, I would be happy and have fun running those games, so damn it, I'm going to run them. Oz is for the people who keep missing the chance to play, (bronzite* and Zachariah, for instance) and Alice is for my enjoyment and for the new people I'm hoping to bring in to larping. Alice is a freaking great game, and they should have a chance to play.

:-D I feel good about this. Sometimes, you have to please yourself.

Related to Festival, I'm curious if the talk last year about instituting Intercon-style round signups this time around has come to anything. As happy as I was that Oz filled within, like, twelve seconds, I felt bad for the people who logged on at 7:02 rather than 7:00.000001 and found all the games they wanted full. Would it be possible to do what Intercon does and let people sign up for one game, then two games, then as many as they wanted? I would very much be in favor of that.


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