Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Intercon-stumed! ;-)

(Wow, that was cheesy of me.)

I finished my last costume for Intercon! I made a quick run to the costume shop in hopes of finding some useful things for my Super Villain Academy getup, and I completely lucked out. At best I was hoping to find colored tights, but I ended up doing even better than that. There were several colors to choose from, including orange, green, and red-- no turquoise, unfortunately, which for some reason was what I was picturing in my head --but I ended up going for the nice deep purple. I looked around a little more and went through the colored face paint on the wall. It occurred to me that if I wanted something like a domino mask, I could just paint it on and wear my glasses over it. So matching purple makeup was nabbed. I wasn't expecting to see anything else, but while I was just about to check out, I discovered the neatest things. They have these great tacky plastic-fabric... belt things, in several styles, like a cincher with laces, or buckles, or stuff like that, that come in all kind of bright comic-booky colors that are absolutely PERFECT for super hero costumes. I was lucky they had at least one in purple! They were cool enough that I would have changed my color scheme if that was the only way I could use one. I highly recommend that anyone who needs to build a supers outfit go and check them out; they're along the wall next to the shoes directly perpendicular to the cash register counter.

All that remains is to affix the symbol I made. Like I said, now that I've learned my color scheme I tinted it purple to match. Unfortunately my printer is out of colored ink, so I can't print and attach it to the leotard like I wanted to today. Still, I'm pretty much ready. :-) Honestly, I think this costume came out even better than I would have thought. :-) And with that, I am entirely dressed for Intercon! Yay!


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