Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Signed on to the Caesar build crew

This morning I saw two cardinals flitting after one another; they were so pretty and bright. I guess spring is actually here now. Redbirds always make me think of my grandmother; they were her favorite and her kitchen was decorated with images of them.

I have agreed to help out with build for Julius Caesar. Next week is their tech, and my schedule happens to be fairly light then, so I feel like it would be nice of me to offer a hand and support Hold Thy Peace. Also, Bernie has so much on his plate as technical director that I want to make sure he has the help he needs. I won't be staying til the wee hours, what with the doing them a favor and the having the job in the morning and all, but maybe if one more person helps out, things will get done earlier.

The set consists of wooden platforms and white muslin curtains that will go from the flies to the floor on the stage. I'm not exactly sure what the final configuration will look like, but I like the idea. Bernie has made a pretty careful plan, so I'm hoping to help make sure it gets executed. Today he and I are driving out to Home Depot to pick up the last few necessary bits of hardware. The curtains are being sewn by a group assembled by the show's costume designer Shana. Brian Melcher has promised to bring back the purchased wood. We're planning on getting into the theater shop this coming weekend to start a little early on getting things together. I should have some time Friday before I'm going out with my brother and my dad, and on Saturday it shouldn't take so much time to get to Othello that I'm not available for some period beforehand.

I kind of like build, honestly. I like making things, putting stuff together, and there's a real feeling of camaraderie when everyone's working hard together to assemble their show. I quit liking it when things start going past midnight, of course, but in the beginning at least it's a pretty cool feeling. :-)


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