I may actually have an idea for at least the basics of my Super Villain Academy costume. It came to me while I was falling asleep last night, and fortunately I didn't forget it by this morning.
The traditional comic book concept of supers' costumes is basically the whole skintight bodysuit look. I realized I can reasonably imitate that. If I take the tail off, which is just safety pinned in place, I can use the black leotard from my cat costume. I cleverly thought to draw the silver-spraypaint-marker cat stripes on the inside of the leotard so the outside would still look normal if I ever wanted to use it again. Now, for the same con a year later, it proves itself genius! My tall black leather boots would look great as super boots.
Building around these things, it's a little easier to imagine where I might go from there. Some tights, a belt, and a symbol on the chest would probably serve to finish it off. I've already got a lot of black going on, which I guess is appropriate for a super villain, but it might be nice to throw some color in there with the accessories. Maybe if I got a matching belt and tights in an interesting color, and then coordinated the symbol around it. Jared, fortunately, is the master of super hero costume symbols. When he was Crawdad in Masks, he found a fantastic crawdad-forming-a-C symbol to tape on himself, and for his run of SVA he found a great red Cobra Commander icon that worked perfectly (though I take credit for the red-duct-tape-cobra-marking on his back.) He also helped me find mine when I was Yellow Rose, and I absolutely love the earthquake symbol he dug up for his shockwave-powered character in lightgamer*'s Four-Color Supers game. He'd probably be a great help with this. My name and theme doesn't really lend itself to icons, but I actually was just struck with a weird idea that might just be crazy enough to work. :-)
I'd kind of like to have a domino mask, but those tend not to work too well with glasses. Also not sure what to do about the belt; I'd like it to have a color to add some interest, as well as match the tights, but I'm not sure where to find big colored belts. I've heard you can get colored tights at Target pretty cheaply, though. And then I'd want to tint my symbol (which I have just done some work on, heehee) to match as well. I'll have to do a little investigating, but I'm really glad I figured out a place to start from.
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