Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets
Oh, Christ. Can I just say "everything in the world that isn't my grownup corner"? Outside of Pride, this is my sin. I am a ridiculously angry person these days, but let's try to boil it down to just some of the things that set me off.
1. Banging my head on stuff. Seriously, when it happens it is always accompanied by a wash of white-hot rage. I'm sure it's from the deterioration to my impulse control centers as the head banging damages my frontal lobe. :-P
2. Irresponsibility, and its whiny little friend, helplessness. Seriously, people, grow up and take care of your own stuff.
3. People who don't know themselves. I dislike interacting with someone who doesn't have a realistic self-image, both about their flaws and about their good qualities as well.
4. Takers. I despise impostion. It just strikes me as incredibly inconsiderate of others. Jesus Christ, don't be a taker.
5. When people assume that just because things are bad for them, then it is simply not possible for that thing to exist in a good way. Like, people who've had bad luck in love deciding that love doesn't exist, or people who've experienced real tragedy concluding there is no God. Oh, I see-- clearly your experience is so all-encompassing that whatever it is, that's the truth of the universe. Or yes, you having everything go right for you is so important that of course if God existed he would make everything perfect for you all the time. :-P It's profoundly selfish.
6. Anything that takes away my agency and self-sufficiency. In my determination to never be irresponsible, helpless, or a taker, I always want to be able to handle my own business, so nothing makes me angrier when something beyond my control forces me into a position where I am one of those.
7. Party crashers. Most of my gatherings are invitation-only because I like balancing the guest list and cooking the right amount of food, so uninvited guests really throw my plans off.
Also, everything in the world.
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