Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets
Like envy, this one isn't really my sin. I think I have a pretty damn decent work ethic, and the ability to stay on top of things ranging from chores to work to creative projects. But there's a procrastinator in all of us, so here's where I fall down on the job.
1. Calling people I don't know well. I strongly dislike making phone calls other than to friends, so when I have to call a stranger, I put it off. Unfortunately this often factors in to work tasks or tasks important to keeping my life in order.
2. Taking out the garbage. I am very on top of chores since I like things clean, so I unless I'm incredibly busy with other things I rarely leave dishes in the sink or my room messy, but for some reason this is the chore I hate most. I'd rather scrub a bathroom from top to bottom than take out the garbage, I don't know why.
3. Stuff that I need other people's help to get done. I hate asking for help so much that I tend to avoid a task when I know I'm going to have to in order to get it done. This is a really bad habit, as people are more likely to help you if you give them early warning that you need it.
4. Telling people uncomfortable things. A truly bad inclination. It sometimes comes off as if I'm keeping things from people, when in fact I don't mean to but I am just dreading having the conversation.
5. In fact, interactions which I expect to be uncomfortable in general. I can't stand awkwardness, so even if the conversation should be happen now, I still am inclined to avoid them.
6. Uh... I'm running out of things. In school, I had a hard time making myself get to the reading assignments if I didn't find them interesting.
7. Come on, one more... oh, here's a weird one. Sometimes I find changing the bedsheets such a pain that I strip them all off and sleep on the bare bed for a day or so because I couldn't make myself put on the clean one.
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