Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stand: DONE

It's done, my babies. The Stand is done. All printed, all packed, all painstakingly cut and glued and sealed. Only, to be perfectly honest, I still need to buy a mess of d12s for a purpose I will not reveal here, but other than that one small errand that I will run on my way home, the game is good to go. I stayed up late last night to push for the finish, just because I am so burnt out I really didn't want to have more work to do this evening. My back is sore from spending all that time either bent over the keyboard or over the bits and pieces I was assembling, so it will thank me for the respite. I am so eager to see it run now that I keep forgetting that there's two slots before it actually goes up. What? I have other games? I'd totally forgotten.

Gah. So tired. But excited for the weekend. I actually don't have much prep left to do now that the game is packed. Just lay out my costumes, prepare our packed lunch for Saturday, and re-read my character sheets. Been so preoccupied with GM stuff that I've somewhat neglected my player stuff.


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