Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ruins and Prince castings

Not doing so well again. Every time I think I might be okay for a little while, before long I go crashing back down. But I'm sure everyone's tired of hearing about that by now, so I'll try to think about something else.

Got my castings for both Ruins of Grandeur and Prince Comes of Age. Seems like both of them will suit me. I'm planning my costumes now, endeavoring to put them together without having to spend any money.

I was a wee bit disappointed that Prince called for a classic high fantasy look, though I guess I technically already knew it would. I don't actually own any garb that would be appropriate for a fancy party. Still, I think I can throw something together and fake it. My character is a courtesan, so it needs to be sexy too. I think I can do that. Right now I'm planning on wearing this diaphanous black gown I have, technically a nightgown, with the long slit up one side of the skirt underneath the silver and black side of the lace-up bodice I wore to tech for the Boston Babydolls. Not perfect, but it will work. Not sure of the sure shoes yet, I want something sexy that won't kill my feet to stand in for four hours.

As for Ruins, in that one I'm crosscast as a government official. I'm thinking of tying down under a crisp white shirt and my navy pinstripe blazer with the rust and gold silk scarf tied at my throat to look like an ascot. Not sure what pants, as I recently gave away the unflattering ones I used to use as my man-pants, or what shoes. Hair will probably be gelled back and tied in a low ponytail.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Party dresses!

I am already unable to stop myself from figuring out what I will be wearing for my proposed fancy dress party. I have more formal dresses than I realized, none of which come out to play nearly enough, which is one of the reasons I want to throw the party in the first place. But which to choose? The flame-orange Andromeda dress Frances wore to such fabulous effect in To Think of Nothing, with its old-fashioned glamor and striking color? The sparkly black party dress with the visually interesting rouched front that flatters my bust and but perhaps makes me look a bit wide? The simple black one-shouldered cocktail dress with the sleek line and the asymmetric hem? The short cocktail dress that is also just plain black and has a demure front but hugs my curves and is so backless it's dangerous? The new gray Chinese gown with the high elegant neck that fits me perfectly? Or the sparkly deep blue dress that is a great color, has interesting details, and looks absolutely fantastic on me?

Ah, decisions, descisions. My choice will probably be influenced by which dress I wear in other recent events, such as for The Prince Comes of Age at Festival. Hair and accessories will be chosen based on the dress. That still doesn't narrow it down much. Maybe I could just do that diva thing where I change outfits periodically throughout the evening. ;-)

There are of course other things I will have to plan for it. But for now, all I care about is how pretty I'm going to look!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Scheduling madness

My schedule is about to be loaded up again soon. The next three nights will be full of pleasant social, and then I've got one more light week before I get slammed with all sorts of fun but demanding events.

During the day on Saturday I'm in a last-minute larp, a run of Two Hours in London for all the people who've been wanting to play but haven't yet. I have a costuming hint but no character, but I'm not terribly troubled. My costume is not going to be amazing since I don't really have many pieces in the Victorian way. When I have cash that is something I would be interested in rectifying, but for now I can throw something together. blendedchaitea* has very graciously offered to lend me her black tiered skirt, and I have a bodice or two I can wear over a blouse for something that looks vaguely appropriate.

After next week is Othello tech week which I have promised to help out with. I actually really enjoy tech weeks, despite how much work and time they require, because I love the process of everyone working together to put together a piece of theater. It's also a rare occasion which I get to build things with tools and learn more physical skills. I imagine it will be helpful to have an extra pair of hands who doesn't have to worry about being ready to go onstage as well. I'm so excited for the set for this show, which is going to look and work differently from anything HTP has ever done before. The costuming and makeup, too, I expect to be phenomenal, so I can't wait to get a look at it.

The week after that is prep for Festival, which will happen the following weekend. I'm so excited to see how the first con I've ever chaired comes out. Things are looking good, except for one or two games I am still exhorting people to fill. I have done a significant chunk of the printing for The Stand, but most of the packing will have to get done that week. We still must figure out what game will be running in what space, but that won't be too hard once we have all the data we need.

After that comes tech week (after a fashion) for Magic at Midsummer, followed by the performance. I cannot tell you how amused I am to have a calendar item that says "undress rehearsal." ;-) One thing I've been really looking forward to is getting to rehearse with the full cast. Thus far we've only each done our own pieces, more or less at the right times in the song, but I really want to see what the whole thing looks like all put together. It'll be easier to learn cues that way too.

And that is my next month or so. Yowza. It strikes me that I would like to have a party, after all this madness is over. A fancy dress-up party, with tasty canapes and people in snazzy clothes, for the purpose of celebrating my general fabulousness. I find this a worthy and amusing endeavor. More updates to follow as I figure this out.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

HTP party, and housing concerns

I am super psyched for the Hold Thy Peace tenth anniversary party this Saturday. It's going to be really big with food and lots of HTPers and an open mic portion of the evening and it's going to go late into the night. I don't know if I'll stick around for the sleepover, seeing as my actual bed is going to be a couple streets away, but I would like to show back up for pancakes in the morning. I am struck with the desire to wear something fun for it, so I might dress up if that's not too out of place.

A little stressed about housing for next year. It looks like I may have found new people to occupy Elsinore for the coming year, but they're not friends and I think I've gotten used to living with people I like AND live well with. Not delighted with that, but at least I'd keep my bedroom and my entertaining space and wouldn't have to move. I'm also a little bit nervous that things might change and somebody isn't going to be sticking around after all, in which case I'll either have to chase someone new down, or else find another place. It could be that there isn't much on the market yet with June 1st move in dates, but my cursory explorations have not revealed much that would work for me. Definitely nothing one-bedroom in my price range, so I'd have to find at least one roommate, and I don't know who I would even ask about that. My new job is in Waltham, so I don't want to move too far from that. *Sigh* This is complicated stuff, and it's starting to make me edgy. We'll see what happens, I guess.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sins Meme: Day Seven

Day One: Pride – Seven great things about yourself.
Day Two: Envy –Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets

Finally finishing this. This last day is silly. "Love secrets"? What is that supposed to mean? Sounds to me like certain things that might fall under that category are things I'd want to keep secret, thank you very much. So instead I'll just say seven musings about love.

1. I believe that being in love, the feeling, is easy. It's loving, the action, that's the difficult part, and the part that really counts.

2. I believe you can't love anyone properly until you love yourself.

3. I feel like people often focus on the accoutrements of love (outward signs, conditions, etc) more than they focus on the quality of love itself.

4. I despise when people treat love like a status symbol or prize to be won, rather than something valuable for nothing more than its own sake.

5. I have reached the point where I would rather be alone if I can't be with someone I truly love.

6. I will never stop marveling at how much more deeply those you love can hurt you than anyone else, and how at the same time how much easier it is to forgive them.

7. Over the past several months, my black mood has made me absolutely unbearable towards some of those who I love and who love me most. At times I ever did my damnedest to push them all away. And yet, no matter how I pushed, no matter how terrible I was, they wanted to be with me anyway. It means a lot to know that they love me that much.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Easy but accomplished weekend

Well, that was my first non-packed weekend in quite some time. Spent most of it doing chores, like cleaning the house, laundry, and grocery shopping for the week. It's good to have that all taken care of. It also granted me some much-needed sit on my butt time, which has been in woefully short supply lately.

Edited and sent out the character sheets for The Stand today. God, it is so satisfying to prepare an already-finished game. I have decided to permanently change the gender balance of the game after casting these last two runs. I had one character who I conceived of as male but decided was probably the only one in the game who could be flipped without altering the role too drastically. I had one more female in the first run who didn't want to be cross-cast than I had roles for, so I ended up making that "neutral" character female. In this run, it made sense to also cast that character as female. So I've just decided to keep the part that way. It makes for nine female parts in the game instead of only eight, which is good considering that the other sixteen roles are all pretty firmly masculine.

Also conferred with Nat last night about editing Resonance. We are considering this next run to be another test of the concept to see if the last group of players was the reason that things went differently than we expected they would. If it goes similarly this time, then we will know that the game needs to be altered in order to get it running the way we want. Still, my gut tells me that with a different group of players-- specifically people with a slightly less gamist approach who are willing to go with the flow of the story --things will go much more as we planned.

The last thing of note that I did this weekend was had a really good Midsummer dance rehearsal. I felt like it went really well, like I'd made some real improvement in my dancing, and I had a lot of fun. I've been practicing, so it feels good to know that it paid off a little. I like the piece so much and I really want to do Charlotte's fantastic choreography justice. I also really enjoy having Plesser as my partner for most of my pieces; he's always fun and great to work with. The way you can see him acting the character of Bottom while dancing is awesome. I need to focus more on that myself, I'm still a little too focused on getting through the steps. I intend to practice a little more every night until the performance in hopes that it will become smooth and instinctive, and I can try to bring a little of Titania's personality into it as well.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Next run of The Stand cast

Cast The Stand for the Festival run last night. Yet another tough cast. I find it really amusing that pretty much every run either has a ton of people who say they want to be the big power players and there just aren't enough, or else everyone says they want to be the sneaky, under-the-radar secretive ones and there just aren't enough. This time it was the latter. I did the best I could, but a lot of people I couldn't give exactly what they asked for. Fortunately, I don't think anybody was forced into a role they won't be able to enjoy. I flatter myself that pretty much all the characters in this game are pretty interesting, so that should help.

There were a number of interesting coincidences in the casting. For example, I cast a couple in real life as a couple in the game without realizing. I also just now noticed that with this casting, two players that have played in the same three of my games played the same role every single time. I am amused, and I swear that these things came about organically and unintentionally.

I sent out the casting hints just now, along with the rules and the blusheet. Haven't gotten many responses yet, but I hope people like them. Full sheets will come out within the week, to give me time to do minor edits on them. Mostly information placement tweaks and patches to the timeline, stuff like that.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Strapless bras

While I'm sure top scientists have enough to do with building rockets and finding a cure for cancer and all that, I must say that strapless bra technology could use a little work. I dug mine out to wear with my Clockwork Cafe costume because I strongly believe in non-visible undergarments, so for the the cut of my Chinese dress a bra with straps would not do. But upon putting it on, I had had to say I was not terribly impressed. Granted, mine is quite a few years old by this point, so maybe design improvements have recently been made, but having to hike it up as high as possible just to get it to do its job did not speak of sophisticated design. It sort of settled onto me eventually and worked passibly well, but I can only imagine how tough it is for girls who actually have anything more substantial on top; they must be totally out of luck. Anyone have any recommendations for a decent strapless bra?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sins Meme: Day Six

Day One: Pride – Seven great things about yourself.
Day Two: Envy –Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets

All my pleasures are guilty. I am a creature full of shame.

1. Sex and the City. I swear I started watching it because a friend wanted my opinion on whether or not it's feminist (short answer: yes and no) but now I'm fascinated. I'm not sure why, it can be pretty disgusting and idiotic at times, but maybe it's the train wreck factor.

2. Eating Roman-style, by which I mean reclining. I always feel slightly disgusted with myself for doing it, but it feels good sometimes.

3. Frosting without cake. Terrible, I know, but sometimes I just want to eat some with a spoon.

4. Books, television, or movies I've already gone through a million times. Especially if they're not any good. I take comfort in the familiar, and sometimes my brain just doesn't feel up to processing new data.

5. Driving places. I should walk more, as many important places are in walkable distance for me, but when it's cold or when I'm in a rush I just don't have the patience.

6. Starchy foods. So bad for the figure, but sometimes just comforting.

7. Showing a lot of skin. Not always appropriate, not always in the best taste, but it can make me feel good.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Intercon K report

Friday night I played Clockwork Cafe. It took me a while to get into it, as my brain was still stuck on my GMing concerns, but once I did I really enjoyed it. I sort of have to make my own direction for a lot of it, but there was enough plot that would be interesting to Madame Xuan to give me enough to do. The highlight of the game was getting to interact with electric_d_monk*, who I always love larping with, who played another third of the unique little trio in black, white, and gray. I wore the gray Chinese dress I ordered from eBay (which fits me just perfectly, I cannot gain an ounce or it's out of the question), my silver pashmina, and absolutely the wrong shoes. The total lack of arch support started my feet off on an uncomfortable state of affairs that unfortunately lasted the whole weekend. As soon as Intercon was over, I threw them straight away. :-P This was also the only fun costume I got to wear for the weekend, as street clothes were appropriate for everything else.

Saturday morning was Snaf University. I signed up for this one because it's a Brandeis classic that I'd never played before, so I thought it was time. I actually really enjoyed the particular challenge of my character, solving a mystery with limitations on my ability to get information from other players. It helped my way of thinking that the mechanic for validating your progress is based on sharing your reasoning with the GMs, and when you're on the right track your capabilities progress. I am proud to say I have now joined captainecchi* as the only other person to get all the way through this character's plot. :-) I like mysteries and information puzzles in larps. The one major complaint I had with the game is the name badges. Most only had numbers on them, and since I had limited ability to ask other players their names and didn't have much of a Who You Know sheet, it was maddeningly difficult to keep track of certain characters. Other than that, though, an interesting and solid game. I'm glad to have finally played, though I am sorry I missed my other choice for that slot, Never, Never Again, based on all the good things I heard about it.

And finally, on Saturday afternoon came The Stand. This was was what I'd been working and waiting for. And I am happy to say it ran very, very well. It seemed like there was more than enough plot for every single character in the game (my primary personal measure of what makes a strong larp) that kept everyone engaged and interacting with each other. (If my observation on that front was incorrect, somebody please tell me which character needs me so I can fix them.) To my pleasure, all but one or two of the dramatic secrets came out as I planned them to in game, and when one didn't the player released it in an appropriate manner. Still, I plan to tweak things to make sure everything comes out naturally like they're supposed to. The map, the thing I was most worried about, mostly worked, with the exception of the travel mechanic. My fear was that players would just systematically check every square on the map if they didn't have any limitations on their interaction with it, so I stupidly imposed time investments necessary to every exploration. That took people out of the game too much. Instead, I think am going by the suggestion made by several players and make it so you can explore a set number of squares every X minutes, not exactly sure how many, but something like that. Hopefully that will expedite the process without taking people out of the game quite so much. Also, it is clear that the map needs a full-time GM, so I'm glad I assigned Bernie to that. It runs well enough with only just one floor GM, but another certainly could not hurt, so I am glad Jared will be helping to run come Festival. All in all, I am quite proud of the game and pleased that so many people enjoyed it. Players, your feedback is much appreciated, so feel free to tell me your impressions or ask any questions you may have.

Saturday night was Resonance, the other thing I was anxious about. The structure worked, and most of the players enjoyed it, but the majority of them interpreted the scenario differently than we expected them to. A few I think never really got the concept. It was pointed out that the game is kind of a backwards larp-- where most give you a fixed beginning and the players decide how it ends, in Resonance you are given a fixed ending, and it is player choice that figures out where it begins. That, I think, is a useful way for players to think about it to understand how it's going to work. I think we could stand to make it explicit that the game is pretty much a railroad the point of which is to watch unfold and understand the truth of and react to, so people shouldn't expecting to change the ending trajectory, and that it is intended mostly as an emotional exercise rather than as an opportunity for players to expend agency. Still, most of the players really had fun, and I do believe it to be a very good game. I think we just need to prepare players for the game a little more directly so that they understand what sort of thing they're getting into. Especially looking at the cast list for Festival, I have a feeling that the next run is going to work just fine.

In regards to the hotel, which I didn't stay at and did not end up spending a dime at, I was fine with it. The only things I experienced were the positives, such as the close location that enabled me to drive in and the beautiful and useful function space, or the minor negatives, such as the slightly decentralized social space. One thing I have to say is while, yes, the hotel's concessions prices were absolutely absurd, I don't know why anyone was surprised by them. That's pretty standard for a hotel of that caliber. It certainly wasn't any worse than what I was expecting, which is while I packed food for the weekend. Needless to say, I am very pleased with that decision. Especially if things don't improve on the cost front, next year, I plan to do the same for L.

And that was my Intercon. Don't think it's necessary to detail how I spent Sunday, which was in a pit of blackness brought on by my own inability to be a human being lately. The con itself was good.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sins Meme: Day Five

Day One: Pride – Seven great things about yourself. Day Two: Envy –Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets

Generally I dislike stuff. My primary interest in money is the freedom it confers, rather than anything having to do with the acquistion of stuff.

1. A laptop. I only have a desktop, which normally I don't mind, except when I'm writing a larp and would rather not be chained to one place for the duration.

2. My own place. Someday I will live alone, but that is not financially feasible yet.

3. The ability to host dinner parties whenever I want that serve whatever I want. As it is, I am limited to certain times and certain ingredients.

4. For that matter, to buy whatever I wanted when cooking for myself. I don't really buy items I love like crab and veal anymore due to financial constraints.

5. Copper cookware. So beautiful, so useful, and so very, very expensive.

6. Unlimited hosting capacities, be it for running larps, throwing parties, or taking people out to dinner.

7. All the leather goods I covet but can't really justify spending the money on.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sins Meme: Day Four

Day One: Pride – Seven great things about yourself
Day Two: Envy –Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off

Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets

Like envy, this one isn't really my sin. I think I have a pretty damn decent work ethic, and the ability to stay on top of things ranging from chores to work to creative projects. But there's a procrastinator in all of us, so here's where I fall down on the job.

1. Calling people I don't know well. I strongly dislike making phone calls other than to friends, so when I have to call a stranger, I put it off. Unfortunately this often factors in to work tasks or tasks important to keeping my life in order.

2. Taking out the garbage. I am very on top of chores since I like things clean, so I unless I'm incredibly busy with other things I rarely leave dishes in the sink or my room messy, but for some reason this is the chore I hate most. I'd rather scrub a bathroom from top to bottom than take out the garbage, I don't know why.

3. Stuff that I need other people's help to get done. I hate asking for help so much that I tend to avoid a task when I know I'm going to have to in order to get it done. This is a really bad habit, as people are more likely to help you if you give them early warning that you need it.

4. Telling people uncomfortable things. A truly bad inclination. It sometimes comes off as if I'm keeping things from people, when in fact I don't mean to but I am just dreading having the conversation.

5. In fact, interactions which I expect to be uncomfortable in general. I can't stand awkwardness, so even if the conversation should be happen now, I still am inclined to avoid them.

6. Uh... I'm running out of things. In school, I had a hard time making myself get to the reading assignments if I didn't find them interesting.

7. Come on, one more... oh, here's a weird one. Sometimes I find changing the bedsheets such a pain that I strip them all off and sleep on the bare bed for a day or so because I couldn't make myself put on the clean one.

Stand: DONE

It's done, my babies. The Stand is done. All printed, all packed, all painstakingly cut and glued and sealed. Only, to be perfectly honest, I still need to buy a mess of d12s for a purpose I will not reveal here, but other than that one small errand that I will run on my way home, the game is good to go. I stayed up late last night to push for the finish, just because I am so burnt out I really didn't want to have more work to do this evening. My back is sore from spending all that time either bent over the keyboard or over the bits and pieces I was assembling, so it will thank me for the respite. I am so eager to see it run now that I keep forgetting that there's two slots before it actually goes up. What? I have other games? I'd totally forgotten.

Gah. So tired. But excited for the weekend. I actually don't have much prep left to do now that the game is packed. Just lay out my costumes, prepare our packed lunch for Saturday, and re-read my character sheets. Been so preoccupied with GM stuff that I've somewhat neglected my player stuff.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sins Meme: Day Three

Day One: Pride - Seven great things about yourself
Day Two: Envy - Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets

Oh, Christ. Can I just say "everything in the world that isn't my grownup corner"? Outside of Pride, this is my sin. I am a ridiculously angry person these days, but let's try to boil it down to just some of the things that set me off.

1. Banging my head on stuff. Seriously, when it happens it is always accompanied by a wash of white-hot rage. I'm sure it's from the deterioration to my impulse control centers as the head banging damages my frontal lobe. :-P

2. Irresponsibility, and its whiny little friend, helplessness. Seriously, people, grow up and take care of your own stuff.

3. People who don't know themselves. I dislike interacting with someone who doesn't have a realistic self-image, both about their flaws and about their good qualities as well.

4. Takers. I despise impostion. It just strikes me as incredibly inconsiderate of others. Jesus Christ, don't be a taker.

5. When people assume that just because things are bad for them, then it is simply not possible for that thing to exist in a good way. Like, people who've had bad luck in love deciding that love doesn't exist, or people who've experienced real tragedy concluding there is no God. Oh, I see-- clearly your experience is so all-encompassing that whatever it is, that's the truth of the universe. Or yes, you having everything go right for you is so important that of course if God existed he would make everything perfect for you all the time. :-P It's profoundly selfish.

6. Anything that takes away my agency and self-sufficiency. In my determination to never be irresponsible, helpless, or a taker, I always want to be able to handle my own business, so nothing makes me angrier when something beyond my control forces me into a position where I am one of those.

7. Party crashers. Most of my gatherings are invitation-only because I like balancing the guest list and cooking the right amount of food, so uninvited guests really throw my plans off.

Also, everything in the world.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Packing, and dinner parties once more

Working furiously on preparing The Stand. I worked pretty from the minute I got home from work yesterday to the minute I went to bed. Got a lot done, but of course my printer would choose THIS week to screw itself up, when I need to print about a million pieces of paper.

I have made up most of the written materials. The written bits for the map are, I think, the only bits that still need writing up. I designed the cards for the horse wrangling minigame. Everything still needs to be printed, except for the letter. Oh, my goodness, but this game has letters. Letters are going to be very, very important.

One thing I enjoy about The Stand is that I constructed it entirely out of western tropes and built upon them from there. I am hoping that I sufficiently spun them into something more interesting, but I wanted to utilize the stock characters of the genre as my basis and go from there. Genre studies interest me, so I thought it would be a fun experiment.

On a semi-related note, I miss having dinner parties. I've barely had any at all in the past month or so, and they've always been one of my favorite ways to socialize. This has been a direct result of needing all the time I had to make sure the game got written. I had one this past Friday just to blow off some steam, and though I made a bunch of rookie cooking mistakes due to having to rush from writing to dinner prep, it reminded me how lovely they are. After Intercon, I want to get back into the swing of them. I'm sure you've all missed them terribly. After all, my dinner parties are THE social events of the season, and anybody who's anybody loves to come to them. ;-)

Sins Meme: Day Two

Day One: Pride - Seven great things about yourself
Day Two: Envy - Seven things you lack and covet
Day Three: Wrath - Seven things that piss you off
Day Four: Sloth - Seven things you neglect to do
Day Five: Greed - Seven worldly material desires
Day Six: Gluttony - Seven guilty pleasures
Day Seven: Lust - Seven love secrets

I don't really do envy. It's pretty fabulous being me, so I am largely content with what I am and what I've got going. But for the sake of the meme, if I could have everything I wanted...

1. A singing voice. I have other talents that I am grateful for, so I don't think I'd trade them, but it would be neat to be able to sing.

2. Greater facility with math. I think if I were able to do math better a number of college classes would not have been such a miserable experience.

3. A full-time job in my field. I'm not quite so bothered by this since getting into grad school, but someday I do hope I can be some kind of working writer or editor. Heh, hopefully the Masters will help.

4. More empathy. I don't always relate to or understand other people's feelings-- I am judgy and sometimes detached --and I think I'd be a better person if I did.

5. Unlimited focus and time. I am definitely the kind of person who gets shit done, but I would have the most amazing varied body of work if I had the focus and time to complete every project I ever had an idea for.

6. People who have the skills and resources to make things. If I could do anything, I'd learn to build furniture, sew elaborate costumes, work metal into jewelry, lay tile, carve wood... I always want to make stuff, all the time.

7. Washboard abs. Maybe someday if I ever decide to have the discipline I could get them-- or if I ever have the cash for a trainer --but for now, they are the gilding that is missing from this lily. ;-)
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