I realized I never formally announced this on LJ, so here I go. Next semester I will be directing my own litle show, To Think of Nothing, as a side project for Hold Thy Peace. This is something I'd wanted to do for a while, and at the moment Hold Thy Peace has both the money and the interest to do it. It's an unusual little piece modeled after the Shakespearean style of speaking, taking place inside the thoughts of a playwright who is struggling with the problem that his current play has no point. I wrote it my freshman year for my brother's competitive theater troupe, any they won an award with it. Though it was amazing to see it put up, I always wanted to direct it myself and see what I could do with my own work. It will be going up alongside the mainstage show Julius Caesar, directed by Lenny Somervell and Jenna Schlags.
Auditions will be held on Tuesday the 17th and Thursday the 18th of November from 7-9PM. It's really flattering how many people are enthusiastic for the project. I'm hoping to get it cast by the end of that week, and then assign people to memorize their lines over winter break. We should be going up in the end of February, hopefully in the Merrick Black Box Theater in Spingold, if we can afford it.
I'm really excited, this is really a dream come true. :-)
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