Finally it is Tuesday, the day I've been looking forward to for over a week as "the day I have no commitments or obligations to anyone," and things feel good. I had a Labor Wars GM meeting last night, which was fun and productive as always, but by the end of it I had just run out of steam. So I got myself home, went to say hello to all the lovely friends in the game room having their campaign, and shortly after fell asleep in the beanbag. Jared very sweetly helped me up to my room and tucked me into my proper bed, where I got a rejuvenating eight and three-quarter hours of sleep. So I feel enormously better today, and plan to use the much-needed alone time this afternoon and evening to very best advantage.
The plan for today. I believe the priority is that I finish printing Oz. The only things remaining are the cards, and then I must make reaction packets. Oh, and puzzles. I think I may still have a bunch left from the last run. That shouldn't be too hard. I'm out of white three-by-fives, but Jared said he still has some I can use. I also am in charge of organizing the carpool for the group going to WPI from Waltham, and I'm very nearly finished, except that I still need to talk to one person about what they need. But if I can just get them on the phone that'll be settled easily enough.
Knowing that my time is my own today makes me feel more relaxed than I have in a long time.
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