After much pondering, struggle, and debate, I finally cast To Think of Nothing and sent the list out today. Though I'm very pleased with my final decision, I'm still hating myself for who I had to cut. I am not just trying to be nice when I say that every single person I saw deserved a part in this show, and I would have loved to have them in it.
Anyway, here is my final decision:
Cassander - Jared Hite
Andromeda - Frances Kimpel
Thalia - Stephanie Karol
Euphrosyne - Caitlin Patridge
Aglaea - Liz Baessler
Damon - Jonathan Plesser
Selene - Charlotte Oswald
Palamon - Jonathan Kindness
An excellent lot right there. Though I had to exclude some who where also excellent, unfortunately. It tears me that I couldn't find a place for Brenda. Lenny was fantastic, and is an amazing actress, and I have always wanted to direct her. But she's going to be directing the mainstage HTP show Julius Caesar next semester. Not only is she going to have a ton of responsibilites for that, scheduling her would probably have been a bitch. And likely my timeframe will be kind of tight. I hope they all understand. :-( Because I really do feel bad. Maybe people will be willing to understudy.
I need to focus on the fact that I have a really great cast right there. Heh. I've never been so happy and so sad right after giving out roles before. A new experience. I printed up scripts today as well, and packaged them in little envelopes with the recipient's name and role on them. I shall have them messengered (read: chase people down and hand them over myself) soon, and then we'll try and find a time for the readthrough.
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