Because I haven't worked myself into a good lather yet today, here's a list of some of my biggest pet peeves. And by pet peeves, I mean things that make me want to kill.
Lateness. It's just disrespectful. I swear, it feels like I spend half my life waiting around for people to show up when they said they would. It's doubly annoying when it's somebody important to me, as it usually is lately, somebody who I would wait ages for. Seriously, if you know I'd put myself to any inconvenience, discomfort, or disadvantage for you, why would you make me do it?
Geeks who can't turn it off. More on this in another post, I think, but as much of a geek as I am and am proud to be, I hate it when my fellows just can't manage themselves to behave appropropriately for the situation and make the rest of us look like maladjusted freaks who can't read social cues.
Bad hygiene. Seriously. Just shower. Yes, you do need to-- and wash your hair, brush your teeth, and use deordorant. If you don't, you're gross. There are certain bad smells I am extremely sensitive to, and unwashed human tops the list. CANNOT TAKE IT.
People in my private business. I've ranted about this before. Not everybody likes other people knowing what trouble is going on with them. The corollary to this being people giving me advice that I'd have to be a moron if it didn't already occur to me.
People inviting themselves places. If you have no been expressly invited, assume you are not wanted so you don't force yourself on someone. Do not say, "Hey, can I come too?" 'Cause there's no polite way for them to get out of that. And if they wanted to just have the experience of being with particular people, now you've taken that away.
People who dress inappropriately for their shape. You do not have to be built like an anorexic living-coathanger runway model. But if you're not, don't dress in ways that negatively emphasize all the ways that you're not. Low necklines flatter people with actual cleavage-- girls like me aren't kidding anyone like that. Just dress for your body, already.
People who never get the hint. Know when you're making someone uncomfortable. Know when you've hit a sore spot. Know when you've done the wrong thing. Know when to leave.
There's probably more than that. But those are some pretty damn big ones.
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