It's a cake in emulation of a much better made one I found on the Internet, meant to emulate the the look of Mjolnir stuck in the mud in the movie Thor, waiting for someone worthy of it to pluck it from the ground. It's a two-layer eight inch round devil's food cake iced with Hersey chocolate frosting. The best part was getting to gouge the top up with a spatula so I could make it look like mud to lay the hammer in. I got the toy Mjolnir from Target for twelve dollars. It is nicely modeled for a cheap toy, made of a bouncy Nerf foam. Jane gets to take that home with her after we eat the cake. It tastes pretty decent, but I know my cake baking skills could use some work. Unfortunately the problem with practicing is that then I'll have a ton of cake lying around that I won't be able to stop eating.
Monday, July 30, 2012
The power of Thor in cake form
In honor of the visit of aurora_knight* this weekend, I decided to make a little present for her.
It's a cake in emulation of a much better made one I found on the Internet, meant to emulate the the look of Mjolnir stuck in the mud in the movie Thor, waiting for someone worthy of it to pluck it from the ground. It's a two-layer eight inch round devil's food cake iced with Hersey chocolate frosting. The best part was getting to gouge the top up with a spatula so I could make it look like mud to lay the hammer in. I got the toy Mjolnir from Target for twelve dollars. It is nicely modeled for a cheap toy, made of a bouncy Nerf foam. Jane gets to take that home with her after we eat the cake. It tastes pretty decent, but I know my cake baking skills could use some work. Unfortunately the problem with practicing is that then I'll have a ton of cake lying around that I won't be able to stop eating.
It's a cake in emulation of a much better made one I found on the Internet, meant to emulate the the look of Mjolnir stuck in the mud in the movie Thor, waiting for someone worthy of it to pluck it from the ground. It's a two-layer eight inch round devil's food cake iced with Hersey chocolate frosting. The best part was getting to gouge the top up with a spatula so I could make it look like mud to lay the hammer in. I got the toy Mjolnir from Target for twelve dollars. It is nicely modeled for a cheap toy, made of a bouncy Nerf foam. Jane gets to take that home with her after we eat the cake. It tastes pretty decent, but I know my cake baking skills could use some work. Unfortunately the problem with practicing is that then I'll have a ton of cake lying around that I won't be able to stop eating.
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