based on William Shakespeare's
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Adapted by Kimberly Davis Basso
A dreamy take on Shakespeare's most delightful comedy -
mischief makers, frolicking fairies,
eloping lovers and wanna be actors
featuring Michael Molineaux, Amy Joy Laffin,
Wendy Bellevue, Maura Smith,
Nicole Brandner Seddon, Rick Chason,
Phoebe Roberts, Jonathon Plesser,
William Bloomfield, Nick Martucci,
Adria Orenstein, Alex Diorio and Kelly Dinsmore
8pm on August 25, 30, 31 September 6, 7, 8
4pm on September 8
At the Atlantis Playmakers Theater
380 Cambridge Street (Route 3A)
At the Atlantis Playmakers Theater
380 Cambridge Street (Route 3A)
Burlington, MA
Tickets are just $13.50 in advance! Tickets at the door are cash only, $20 on Opening Night August 25 and Closing Night September 8 and $15 for all other performances.
You will be in for the treat of seeing me play Helena against the talented Jonathan Plesser as Demetrius, as well as Mr. Nick Martucci in the role of Quince! To purchase tickets, just click on this link!
I would be delighted and honored to see you all there. <3>
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