I've heard rumblings about finally dealing with Tony's downward spiraling in Iron Man 3. I was a little disappointed with Iron Man 2 in that he acted like such a self-destructive ass and got basically no consequences for it. We even see him and Pepper happy together in The Avengers. What I wanted was for his asinine behavior to destroy his relationships, and while he is able to pull it together to defeat the bad guys and appear to the public as a hero, to feel like he has nothing because in private his personal life has been ruined. Then the challenge for the next film would be to rebuild it. Sad that couldn't happen. But at least they're hinting that they're going to be dealing with those things in the third installment. I love the character of Tony, his asshole tendecies and all, but I would like him to see consequences for all that garbage.
Basically I have no idea what The Dark World is going to be about. (Chris Hemsworth's bare chest is my personal hope.) All I can say is I've got my fingers crossed that it has Loki in it. He's been roundly defeated in the last two films he was present in, so they may be done with him as a villain, but still, he's such a fabulous character and Tom Hiddleston's performance is so good that I hope he's present in some capacity. It actually might be interesting if he's NOT the villain, but a side character of some sort that has vaguely antagonistic but complicated interactions with Thor. I find the brothers' relationship very interesting, given the whole love/hate thing, and that could add interesting growth and dimension.
As for Captain America, I am SO HAPPY that the next plot will involve the Winter Soldier. So much opportunity for emotional conflict when Cap realizes that his dear friend, whose death he thought was his fault, is not only alive, but now is his enemy. With this vulnerable portrayal of Cap, that will be so awesome. I hope they bring back pretty, pretty Sebastian Stan back to play him. Even if they have to grow his hair our and fuck up that gorgeous face a little. I must confess at first glance, seeing that dark-haired fox in that WWII-era military uniform, I thought he might have actually been hotter than Cap. Given that we first encounter him beside Scrawny Steve (TM) probably didn't hurt. But you know how it goes-- girl meets boys, girl first goes after the hot friend, girl ends up falling in real love with boy standing beside him. A love story with a classic twist. ;-)
You know what I don't want? I don't want Sharon Carter. I don't want Sharon Carter. Have I mentioned that I really really don't want Sharon Carter? It is completely creepy to date somebody because they remind you of a younger version of a relative of theirs. Do not make Cap creepy. I have been creeped on by people with, "My God, you look just like your mother." It is not a socially acceptable thing to do. Do not make Cap do that. Please, please, please.
I get that he and Peggy missed their chance and now he has to deal with that. I find that gorgeously tragic. But a huge part of this character, that his first movie went out of its way to established, is that he was waiting for the One. Lots of people are capable of loving many people, but Steve isn't like that. That's not his character, he doesn't fall lightly. To him Peggy was special enough in a way that is not easily replicated. Now that he can't be with her, that's going to rip him up because of how singular their connection was to him. It's going to take him time to DEAL with that, a LOT of time before he could realistically get over that-- I want to see at least one more movie of him going through that grieving process, as there was pretty much nothing about it in Avengers. I heard that for time issues they had to cut a scene of him visiting a ninety-year-old Peggy, but that's going to DRIVE HOME the tragedy in a tangible way, not get him passed it. We need at least one film where we get to watch him grieve.
Frankly, I would find it so much more moving if they left him single and never had to hook him up with anybody else. I like the idea that his value system makes him act in a way that's markedly different from most others. So, for contrast, let's watch Tony schtupp Pepper, Clint and Natasha hook up, Bruce bang Betty, and Jane Foster ride the lightning with Thor... and then have Steve quietly love Peggy and miss what they might have had. I know that "moving on" is usually considered to be the universal healing act for all romantic loss, but I think it would suit Steve's singular character and make for a beautiful tragedy if there could never be anyone else. I am admittedly a sucker for lovers who find the One, and there can never be anyone else. I know that's not for everyone, I'm not saying it should be, but I think it's beautiful when that's how a soul works out. But if they absolutely HAVE to make him "move on" to someone else-- which I'm sure they will, because God forbid there be no romance for the hero, despite the already nonstandard way they've portrayed Steve's sexuality so far --I just want one fucking movie where he takes the time to grieve, and after that the new woman is anyone but Sharon fucking Carter.
It's going to be Sharon Carter, isn't it? Gross.
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