- Engage moving truck - DONE
- Pack things in kitchen - DONE
- Pack things in living room - DONE
- Pack things in bedroom
- Pack things in basement - DONE
- Cancel current NSTAR account - DONE
- Cancel current oil account - DONE
- Arrange for final oil fill - DONE
- Call Formal Oil AGAIN re: final oil fill because it doesn't seem to have happened yet - DONE
- Call National Grid to make new gas account - DONE
- Fax ID and proof of residency to National Grid - DONE
- Confirm all things are in order with National Grid
- Cancel Verizon account - DONE
- Engage Comcast account - DONE
- Buy Groupon for massively discounted cleaning service so old landlord doesn't gouge it out of our security deposits - DONE
- Arrange for my cleaning service to come to the house
- Send out plan for lovely moving helpers - DONE
- Throw away massive amounts of trash and recycling
- Pick up keys from new landlord on Saturday
- E-mail old roommates about moving out finalizing - DONE
- Send old landlord information about cleaning service, key dropoff, and ask for security deposits to be returned within the legally proscribed thirty days
Gah, so much to do, so little time to do in it...
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